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Kix Tavora Digital Photography |
Saturday, June 16, 2007 |
(Note: This picture is not a promotional photo-shoot. They are real couple. You can check their AVP on this site. Astig yung groom di ba!)
It was way back march 2006 when I stumbled upon Kix Tavora's work through the yahoogroups of soon-to-be-wed couples, http://www.weddingsatwork.com/.
Since Russell and I were on a really tight budget, we really tried looking for a good photographer that will fit our budget. I really admire Dino Lara's and Mimi & Karl's works but unfortunately, having either one of them as our wedding photographer will cost us a fortune. There is no way that we could have afford their photography services. Though we were quite said that we can never have them on wedding, it seemed like heaven intervened. When I joined w@w, the name Kix Tavora has always been mentioned as one good back-up photographer. I checked the supplier ratings on him. Not that I only found good ratings but SUPERB ratings. His works may not be as good as Dino's but nobody can refute the fact that he is indeed good at his craft. When you see his work, you could immediately see the passion that he is putting in every project. One more thing that I really like about Kix work is the fact that the pictures posted in his site are all RAW PHOTOS. Minsan kasi di ba, nadadaan na lang sa photoshop ung ganda ng kuha...miski pangit, gumaganda! LOL Every month, I get to visit his site and I can see big improvements on his output. (oh ha, di pa sobra-sobrang high tech gadget nya nyan!) Well, I know that he is giving more effort now that he is doing back-up services to Rene Gaviola. I know that given the more advanced equipment and a better break, he will make it big time to the wedding industry. Here are some of my favorite shots:
(This is one of my favorite shots. There was no post-processing magic made on this photo. Kix just played on the available sunlight as his lighting technique.)
(I think this one is from one of his out-of-town shoot (Pangasinan?) with Rene Gaviola. The place where the bride prepared for this special event ain't Diamond nor Manila Hotel but Kix still managed to take a beautiful shot out of it.)

(Now this one is a perfect personification of serenity.)
(When it's already my turn, I want a shot like this. Posible kaya sa Malate Church?)I am so thankful that we found Kix. Aside from the fact that he is young (with fresh talent) and has a very good working attitude, his package prices are incredibly affordable. If you want to find out about his latest wedding package prices, just drop me an email or a shout out!
P.S. I've been on my PC since 5pm (MNL time). It's now 5:33am...ahhHhhHh!!!! so much with fun blogging!
Labels: photography, wedding preps |
posted by ruther @ 4:44 PM   |
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Name: ruther
Home: Ontario, Canada
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*imago's fan
*sydney bristow apprentice(wish!)
*gil grissom struggling student(talk about being geek!)
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*michael scofield's savior(get real!)*
avid follower of jerry bruckheimer
*soon-to-be-bride of a very wonderful groom.
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