Few months before my nephew left, his mother (my sister) were talking having Kenneth (my nephew) join a local TV contestfor little boys (That's my boy!). We had such a nice time doing a mock presentation of the candidate together with the talent portion. What astonished me is the fact that when I tried asking the little boy what wish will he have for Christmas, he told us that we wants the "black skinned" people (sorry, he doesn't know how to pronounce Africans) to have lap tops at their school. (By the way, my nephew owns a second-hand lap top that he uses for his computer classes. This was after bugging his mom to buy him a lap top since I won'tallow him to use mine. LOL) What Kenneth answered really surprised me. I mean, how many 6-year old students would really care if children from other country do not have laptops at school? He further told us that children there are dying because of lack of food. When I asked him where did he learn those things, he told us that he watched a cable program, together with his Tito Ton-ton (my only brother) a few days before we did the mock presentation. What my 6-year old nephew struck me and made me think of what I have really done for others.I mean all this time, I have all been thinking about myself. At times, I get envious of other people who can afford all the luxury in the world. As much as I want to help those less(er) fortunate children, I am just one corporate slave who depends on my meager salary to get it through with each month. The only thing I could do is to promote a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the environment and creating sustainable development in Africa and Asia. Try visiting PlanetAid and see what you can do to extend a helping hand to others. Labels: social |