When one files bankruptcy, getting back your good financial records really takes a while. You can't file any mortgage, interest rates on credit cards (that is if you are lucky enough to be approved for one) and getting any type of loans is just too difficult. I do not mean to be judgmental. But when I was a dell sales rep, customer from Bronx, NY would always be turned down when they apply for dell card services. Most of them would ask them if there is something I can do so that I can issue a card for them. Unfortunately, I can only do much. This is usually the time when they would share their stories of how tough it is to get bad credit loans. With the current state of US economy, more and more people are filing bankruptcy. At times, they would just get tempted on what ever offer comes their way first. This is where Bad Credit Offers comes in. Visit their site to see what options you have. Labels: finance |