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Business Thank You Cards
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mother-in-law just opened a mini-grocery somewhere in Rosario, Cavite. The building used to be a stockroom for their appliance center business. I am not sure if they already had this new business blessed by a priest but as early as this time, mom is already asking me about Business Thank You Cards. She wants it to be personalized just like what we had on our wedding. She wanted to have it made simple though just like this one:

As she said, a thank you card need not to be that fabulous. What is important is that a business man is able to show appreciation and genuine gratitude through a simple "Thank You"for the professional relationships that you thankfully support and hold in highest regard. Business thank you cards are a telling expression of professional gratitude, thankfulness, and loyalty. We have sorted National Book Store but we didn't find any business thank you card that resembles the one above. Searching the internet, CardsDirect offers customization services to its clients. As such, you can be sure that your thank you cards will be personalized. CardsDirect will professionally print your company name or message inside, print your return address on the envelope flap, even business logos and artwork. What is more tempting is they offer free ground shipping on all orders. I just presented this website to her. I am not sure though if mother feels comfortable ordering online.


posted by ruther @ 10:12 AM  
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Name: ruther
Home: Ontario, Canada
About Me: *25-something faggot *proud pinay *business degree imbecile *iskolar ng bayan *former student activist *call center quality assurance supervisor* former DELL computer technician* *prefers grave yard shift rather than day shift job *doesn't drink nor smoke *koreanovela sucker *lead guitarist *internet-holic *bossa nova aficionado *KFC extreme hot shots lover *imago's fan *sydney bristow apprentice(wish!) *gil grissom struggling student(talk about being geek!) *jack bauer's love interest(another wish!) *michael scofield's savior(get real!)* avid follower of jerry bruckheimer *soon-to-be-bride of a very wonderful groom.
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