WHEN THET SPEAKS: Unbounded.Uncensored.Unsuppressed.No Rules.No Non-Sense.

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No Holds Barred: A compilation of rants, raves, movie and book reviews, R & R escapades, relationships, office workloads, and stories to ponder. For this year, this is also going to be our wedding blog. Updates and Review on Wedding Suppliers will posted here...Honeymoon experience and other escapades will also be posted.
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Wealthy Affiliate
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I bet, most of you guys have heard of Brian Gorrell's misfortune over his blog. The focal point of his blog is to get "justice" and by getting justice means getting back his $70,000au. Allegedly, he was swindled by one Pinoy (trying hard) socialite. His blog gets an average of 400,000 visitors in a day. That's quite high for a personal blog. Perhaps this is the reason why Google contacted him to put some ads on his blog. I was thinking the same when I learned about the traffic that his blog is generating. He could earn at least a thousand per week by having some ads and joining some affiliate programs. His online income can be used for his treatment since he is an HIV positive.

Most of my readers here earn through sponsored blogging. While I had many bloggers who have earned through some affiliate programs, I haven't earned anything from any of those affiliate programs. Through blog hopping, I learned of Wealthy Affiliate program. Wealthy Affiliate is a program which helps people start making money online, no start up cost, 8 week training program, keyword tool, website builder, free hosting. 29.99/month, and most importantly, the program has a huge community to help new users. Interested in this program?

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posted by ruther @ 12:12 PM  
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Name: ruther
Home: Ontario, Canada
About Me: *25-something faggot *proud pinay *business degree imbecile *iskolar ng bayan *former student activist *call center quality assurance supervisor* former DELL computer technician* *prefers grave yard shift rather than day shift job *doesn't drink nor smoke *koreanovela sucker *lead guitarist *internet-holic *bossa nova aficionado *KFC extreme hot shots lover *imago's fan *sydney bristow apprentice(wish!) *gil grissom struggling student(talk about being geek!) *jack bauer's love interest(another wish!) *michael scofield's savior(get real!)* avid follower of jerry bruckheimer *soon-to-be-bride of a very wonderful groom.
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