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Wednesday, July 25, 2007 |
 Just as about I feel a much better today, I found out that two supermoms Kathycot and Mommy Chi have voted for me as one of their faves in their top 5 list. I know this isn't that prestigious but with the fact that what I am writing in this online journal has made some impact on girls like me, the feeling is really overwhelming. Well, to be honest, even before this award, I have always admired the girls I have listed below. Proof to that statement is the idea that I would always make "tambay" and leave messages in their shoutbox from time to time... Kathy said that this things was first initiated by Roberta Ferguson.
'Enuf said, to keep you from the element of guessing on who did I choose for this award, here are my nominees.
1. Kathycot - one hot CaviteƱa. Even before resurrecting my blog, I have always visited her blog. It was way back 2006 when I was searched google about Island Cove and came across about her blog. That is where she had her reception for her wedding. From that day until this time, I would always visit her blog. Kathy personifies what a good mother, loving daughter and wonderful wife should a lady be like. Actually, she had her days of being "pasaway" but she has morph into a responsible individual after getting married. :)
2. Wella - I met her through w@w. I emailed her (about twice or more) about some wedding stuff way back 2006. I like her. She is real--- honest. Just like me, she had her own drama of long distance relationship. I even tuned in into her saga when after her wedding, Nikky had to go back to the US. It was only this April (or was it May?) that she finally reunited with her loving hubby- that is after more than a year of being separated since they had their wedding.
3. Mommy Chi - Though I would always wish my newly-wed fellow w@wies of getting pregnant ASAP, the idea of me getting pregnant scares the hell out of me. But Mommy Chi, though her chronicles, and her pictures showing how "bundat" she is right now (peace mommy!) showed the beauty and other side of carrying a child into your womb. She can also kick some as$ if the situation calls for it. In some of her posts,she had pointed out some irrefutable statements about women--- that wives are not made to be husbands' slaves. Women are there to support and help men. Therefore, women should be treated with utmost respect. Member kaya sya ng Gabriela? LOL
4. Krizteene - I hope that one day, I could emulate the goodness in her heart. She is very down-to-earth. Life has been testing her but just like bamboo, she won't just fall off. She might bend down but never will any kind of storm can tear her apart. Hang on there girl. (PM me for your CV, I hope I can help you with your current dilemma)
5. Che-Che - Most of the time, friends would often brand me as the "cowboy, bakla or man in the group." Che-che is the one who makes me realize that "hey, I'm still a girl. Babae po ako!" Her kikay antics never fail to amaze me. And oh by the way, as the pictures would tell it, she's one great cook also. Those pictures make me wanna enroll myself in cooking class, otherwise, all Russell and I would eat are just de lata...LOL
I have a lot of other bloggers I want to include in this list but according to Kathy, I could only have five. So whoever reads this posts and wants to vote their own nominees, copy nyo na lang ang post na ito. :)Labels: recognition |
posted by ruther @ 3:12 PM   |
touched nmn ako! haha tenchu1 will do one when i get back. naku ako nmn u bring me back to reality. anyways, more on that when i do the tag =D. have a lovely weekend!
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Name: ruther
Home: Ontario, Canada
About Me: *25-something faggot
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*prefers grave yard shift rather than day shift job
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touched nmn ako! haha tenchu1 will do one when i get back. naku ako nmn u bring me back to reality. anyways, more on that when i do the tag =D. have a lovely weekend!