About this blog |
No Holds Barred: A compilation of rants, raves, movie and book reviews, R & R escapades, relationships, office workloads, and stories to ponder. For this year, this is also going to be our wedding blog. Updates and Review on Wedding Suppliers will posted here...Honeymoon experience and other escapades will also be posted. |
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The Sponsors' Souvenir |
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 |
I have blogged almost all of the aspects of our wedding aside but not the souvenir.As for the guests souvenir especially for our male guests, we're planning to give them the mini cakes that will also served as our wedding cake.We have ordered 15opcs. of mini cakes from the maker of uberly-delicios cake maker Joy San Gabriel. We just need to think what to give for our female guest. You might wonder, why did we decide on having an edible souvenir for males and memorabilia thing for females? Hmmm... based frommy survey, men generally don't keep souvenirs so why givethem something that they will just throw over the time? I mean, I think it's better if we will just fulfill their appetite for cakes. Hehehehe. One of the dilemmas that we have is what to give our principal sponsors. Nalibot ko na ang buong ilalim ng Quaipo bridge just to look for something that will be useful to them. I also went to Tabora and Dapitan Arcade but I didn't like anything that fits my taste. Until I came across Mariberth's Chocolate Confection. I instantly feel in love with her chocolates and the packaging! Just to give you an idea what I am talking about, here are some examples of her chocolates.
We're gonna have customized boxes (colored red) with hold ribbon together with our monogram. We have husband-and-wife principal sponsors so what we will give them is a 24-pcs chocolate with merlot wine (P840).While for "single" principal sponsors, we will give them almost the same package, only with 12 chocolates (P520). I am just sooOoO happy that Russell approved of this one because apart from looking for a gown maker looking for the souvenir for our sponsors is the hardest thing I have ever done for this wedding. Labels: wedding update |
posted by ruther @ 10:25 AM   |
Let There be Light |
If you are going to visit our house, you will notice that there are lots of chandeliers all over the area. Most of the time, I disagree with the styles andpreference of my Mom with regards to designing the interiors of the house. She is more of lively colors while I prefer either black/white. She prefers luxurious chandeleirs whileI prefer contemporay lighting such as the ceiling lights. When Russell and I talk about designing our house, we agreed that we are going to enforce minimalistic approach. In our kitchen area, I want something like this: 
It's always nice to surf the net as we prepare another chapter in our life. As our wedding is fast approaching, our next target is acquiring our own home. I have prepared our wedding for two years, now we are going to prepare for our new home in 5 years. During our wedding preparation, I joined a yahoo support group and bought some wedding magazines. For our newtarget, I'm not in the process of collecting clippings and designs. All are like puzzle pieces which we need to see if one piece fits the other. One great source of collecting ideas for loghting need is Tech Lighting. While some of you keep on reading this blog because of my wedding update, in the next coming months you will see how our house will look like. :) Labels: benjamin talks, home improvements |
posted by ruther @ 9:54 AM   |
Just When You Need it Most |
One of my gay QAS whom I have mentioned in this blog before would always resort to having cash advance once every other pay day. He, she or whatever gender you might want to call a gay, is living a lavish life that he soemtimes forget to save for the rainy days. I remember when the first time that he acquired a Citibank credit card, he used almost P12,000. That is more than we he earns every pay day. He is an impulsive shopper if I may say. I advised not to bring in any credit card during work days and bring only P300 every day.In order to save money, I taught how to ride a bus instead of taking a cab everyday. He now also brings packed lunch isntead of going out to fast food chains everyday. I am not saying that getting cash advance is bad. I don't think that having credit is bad. A credit only gets bad when you don't know how to manage your fiannces. A creidt only gets bad when you don'tpay in time and let back institions fine you with allthose finance charges. In times of raining days where liquid cash is needed, having emergency cash loans such as pay day loans is another good option. The convenience of having the emergency funds deposited right into an account is really awesome. Me? I never had any casg advance in any of my credit card. But who knows,I might need oen especially when I get to be with Russell in L.A. Labels: benjamin talks, business matters |
posted by ruther @ 9:35 AM   |
Very South Park Thetay |
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 |
I was browsing Kathycot's website when I saw a custom-made south park image. I was curious how my south park character would look like so I made myself one too.

I didn't know what was running in my mind when I made this. I am just surprised that MY South Park looks so manly. Well, this isn't the first time that I created something that looks more manly than girly. This is something making me think whether I was a man in my past life. LOL
Labels: all about me |
posted by ruther @ 7:42 PM   |
Breaking Up is Hard To Do |
Do you still remember the first time you experienced a heart ache? It was like the end of the world isn't it? One member of my entourage list, as I have mentioned in my previous post regarding shoes, has just suffering from an "I'm alone now and it's the end of my world" drama as she and her boyfriend of 7 years just ended their relationship and decided to break up. I could blame her if she feels alone now and she wants to be out casted first. I guess, that is just a normal feeling especially for somebody like her who invested so much time, money and effort in their 7-year course of relationship. It just made me wonder why couples nowadays no longer send a goodbye letter. People can just break a relationship with just a simple SMS or phone call. That is something disappointing because as a person who loved somebody genuinely, I guess one should deserve some respect of talking and ending the relation 'in person.' But that is not the case of JL. M, her ex-better half had the guts to tell JL that he is no longer happy with their relationship and that he wants to start a life of his own. When I learned this the other day, JL and I talked over the cellphone for more than 20 mins. as I tried to comfort her. I told her all the things that I did when I had my first break with my college bf. There are so many things that she can do in order to overcome loneliness. But bottom line is, she is the one who is in the driver's seat. She is the one who is directing her life. She can only find support from her circle of friends and family but at the end, she's still going to be the one to decide whether she wants to move on or cry over spilled milk. Reading articles on relationship can be a therapy too. Websites like http://www.romanceforeveryone.com/ can be very helpful as it offers a wide range of readings and other stuff that will make her understand men, relationships and more importantly, online dating. JL and I, together with Bebeh will go out this Saturday. We're gonna take her gown measurement and I'll treat her. That's the least thing that I can do for a friend who is experiencing a life-changing event like this.
Labels: benjamin talks, circle of friends, what i feel |
posted by ruther @ 6:40 PM   |
Cough and Colds |
I have been suffering from cough and colds for the past week. I have already consumed one "banig" of Neozep and 8 pcs of Solmux but it doesn't help. My lovely Mama Luvie even bought me a box of Zithromax (one box has 3 tablets, a tablet costs P288!).
My colds have already subsided but my cough is still terrible. I was like an "asong ulol" during my entire shift in the office.
Darn it! I hope that by taking Centrum once a day, it will help me less vulnerable on illness like this.
Labels: all about me, health |
posted by ruther @ 6:38 PM   |
The Great Flirt |
Just last week, Russell and I had a serious yet a funny conversation that some of my friends don’t even believe that such conversation is just "fine" with me. Here is the thing: I asked Russell if he didn’t have any flings or any one-night stand experience in the entire 5-year course of relationship. I can no longer remember what triggered me to engage in this kind conversation but I guess, the only rational reason I could think of is I want us to have a fresh start as we begin a new life together. In other words, I want him to share me his deep dark secrets the same way that I will reveal to him any flirting moments that I did (well, if there is any..LOL) At first, he was quite hesitant over admitting to me that he had some "friendly dates" especially during those times that we are heading the rough roads in our relationship. But when I told him that it’s fine with me and I can totally understand it (since we are dealing with alonger distance relationships and I just can give him some of his needs), he revealed not just one but 4 flings! LOL I believe that he is nice and contrary to what most people believe on the nice guy syndrome, he didn’t finish last. In fact, he is the best candidate as the pick up artist especially when girls talk to him over chat room. Him, as Mr. Nice Guy is something new to me because we met each other in a not so ideal way. I guess he uses different styles of how to meet women, something which my brother ahs to learn (oOoOpps, I forgot. He now has a girlfriend!) For all those torpes and nice guys out there, here are some things to ponder:
Nice guys, sometimes: - Want people to just like them for who they are now
- Don't realize that their nice guy behavior is hurting their dating life, not to mention their career and social life
Assume that changing their behavior would be an insult to their personal values on 'being nice' to others - Are too afraid to be anything other than nice (i.e. flirtatious, challenging behavior around women), out of fear of being laughed at, punished or judged
- Think that everyone else is wrong and people should just be nicer to each other
- Don't want to admit to themselves that they need to change, because that would mean taking risks and changing.
- Don't know where to start
So, where do you start and what is the quick solution? The solution is not to go from being a nice guy, to being a bad-boy who treats women badly. No. The fastest, most effective and longest-lasting solution is to go from being a nice guy to a good guy with EDGE. Now, chances are – you are already a good guy! Awesome, you're half-way there. The next steps are to develop the EDGE that women are attracted to. What is a good guy with edge? A good guy with edge is a nice guy (not like the nice guy outlined in Tip #1), who also demonstrates the personality traits and behaviors that women are attracted to. Things like: - Flirting.
- Confidence.
- Alpha male qualities.
- Humor.
Want to know more? Better check this out. Labels: benjamin talks, russell |
posted by ruther @ 6:35 PM   |
Doomed Trick or Treat |
My nephew was very disappointed because he never had the chance to join any trick or treat activity for this year. There was supposed to be a trick or treat in our Subdivision but some some reason, the organizers just decided to have it done last night without informing of the recent change. In addition to that, there was quite a drizzle last night in our place so kids really didn't enjoy the activity that much.
I told Ate Grace that they could come to my office later tonight as my team is going to have a small feast and some sort of costume and trick or treat. Maybe, if they have the time and energy, they could drop by the office so that my nephew can say that he did had fun joining a trick or treat activity for this year.Labels: family matters |
posted by ruther @ 6:31 PM   |
Your House at the Age of 24 |
Iris, one of the QAS who used to be under my team has just acquired a house and lot in Malolos, Bulacan. She is only 24 and yet, it seems that she is already cramming of having a home of her own home together with her long-time live-in partner. With the current economic situation, having a new home by acquiring it through low-cost Mortgages plan is a very practical thing to do. However, with Iris’ current situation, paying P10,000is quite stiff. I guess, it would have been easier if she is working abroad but since she is earning in Peso, this is quite hefty. It's either shee needs to work part-time or she has to apply for a promotion. I am not sure what kind of financing plan she was able to acquire but one thing is for sure, she has to work double time in order for her to pay the monthly mortgage fee.
Labels: benjamin talks, properties |
posted by ruther @ 10:22 AM   |
NR |
NR stands for No Reaction.
I am now back in the office.I am supposed to talk to the chief now but it seems that she is trying to avoid me. I know that she saw me but she just pretended as if I am not in the floor. Anyhow, I must see and talk to her so that we can settle things once and for all.If not, soem otehr people mightjoin me when I talk to her.Labels: what i feel |
posted by ruther @ 9:44 AM   |
MB 100 Van for Sale |
Russell's folks are selling their MB 100 van. I just don't know how much but if anybody of you wants to inquire about it, please drop me a note. For quite sometime, they have used this van as a service when they do their routine store-to-store checking. For business people who uses vans as their service vehicle, it is very important that their vehicle should come with a comprehensive insurance coverage. This is very important especially when someone is caught in between vehicle mishaps. While it is important to get a comprehensive auto insurance, taking into consideration that getting a Commercial Van Insurance at a very affordable rate is also vital especially when one uses Vans for official business purposes. This also goes when renewing the insurance. Having insurance, in any form be it house, vehicle or health is something like getting your peace of mind. I know have a life and health insurance. The next in my list is getting my folks' house get insured as well. Labels: benjamin talks, peace of mind |
posted by ruther @ 4:06 AM   |
Not his/her type |
Somebody just dropped me a note saying that he/she (signed anonymously) the motif that I chose and the shoes aren't that pretty. I should have tried (daw) to mix and match some colors.
My take on this: Thank you for your suggestion but I would politely say that I don't need one as of this time. All has already been settled. Besides, if you don't like color because it doesn't look happy, that is your opinion. To each his own as they say. Tabi-tabi lang po: I don't like lively colors either like matching plums with pink or yellow and green/pink ...why? I have my own reasons. Reason that I would rather keep to myself rather than hurting those people who have used these colors. Besides, we will use 24 units of par64 lights with mixture of pink and amber lights so I think darker color will compliment these bright colors.
Labels: what i feel |
posted by ruther @ 3:58 AM   |
Big eyes |
Monday, October 29, 2007 |
Papa is a retired mining and geodetic engineer. He used to be a director for operations for a mining and logging company operating in the Sierra Madre Region and Aurora Province. That's why he only comes home once every quarter. One of his stories- During the 80'she was once captured by the NPA group because they were seen "surveilling" the NPA territory with all the gadgets like compass, binoculars and other gadgets as if they were military men. They were captured by the group of Father Balweg, (if that name rings a bell to you) but after 48 hours and confirming that they were just part of a logging and mining firm, they were freed. Papa didn't tell us about it especially to Mama who might suffer a heart attack. He only revealed it to us when he retired about 12 years ago when he saw a nikon binoculars magazine that my sister brought home when she was in Japan. We didn't know that he had kept a picture of him and Father Balweg in his wallet and up until this time, he can't forget that experience. I guess that what made him to be sympathetic to the NPA's advocacy. Stockholm syndrome? I don't know. All I know is that I share some of the NPA's idealism but definitely communism. Labels: benjamin talks, family matters |
posted by ruther @ 10:05 PM   |
Akane at 6 months |
I haven't blogged anything about my niece since her baptismal rites last July. Now, she has frown to be a beautiful 6-month old pretty bratinella if you will call her panget and will smile-all-out if you will call her ganda.
 I haven't seen tabaching in two days. I miss her na! *sigh*Labels: family matters |
posted by ruther @ 9:56 PM   |
Work from Home |
As Russ and I discuss our plans of having our wedding coordination and photography business, we were thinking of whether we should lease a space, borrow from his mother the 3rd floor of their appliance store in Rosario or just create an office right in our home (that is yet to be build). taking the home office into consideration, we really have to maximize the space in our home and that includes the bedroom furniture. We plan to have a mini-bar in our house just like what they have right now at home. However, with the limited space that we have, we might have to resort having a basement where we could have the dart board, the guitar and a billiard pool all in one area. That means we have to purchase some bar stools and extra tall bar stool as well. I want to color the basement red. I want a bar stool similar to this one.
 It has been officially announced to us about a week ago that we're gonna be moving to a new home. We used to occupy 2 floors in one of the building here in Ortigas. But come 2nd quarter of 2008, we will be finally moving to Tiendesitas where we had build our own building. I have seen the plan and perspective of our building and it was quite a nice as the one owned by People Support in Makati. The building is really nice but it just made our lives, especially those who come from far areas where public utilities are not that accessible. I guess they should give transportation allowance based on the proximity level where the employees are coming from. *Sigh* I thank God that I only have to deal with that for just a while as I am going to resign anytime soon. Currently, our office reception area is just a plain space with ordinary furniture. Personally, I am not impressed.
I know as a client. first impression sometimes matters. Apart from establishing great rapport, how your office looks will somehow make an impression too. That is why deciding on what furniture home office we should have is going to very significant in building first impression. I want something that is similar to this one.  I like the color black. It's contemporary and looks really professional. I am really thankful that most things now come in handy. I found all of these furniture items in http://furniturefromhome.com. If you are going to browse this website, you will find tons and tons of items ranging from stools, bedroom sets, dining room sets and more. They also come with great deals of no shipping fee and hassle free returns. Best of all, they guarantee the lowest price you can ever have than any other furnitures store.
 Labels: benjamin talks, home improvements |
posted by ruther @ 8:50 PM   |
Football? Soccer? |
I am not really fond of football but my brother-in-law is. In fact, the only football player I know is David Beckham who else?! I don't really understand how football works. All I know that this is a very tiring game as I watch it on Solar sports of Star World Sports. I remember watching a Chinese film Shaolin Soccer and this film really made me crack up. But I still don't know the tricks of the trade. I don't get to watch football live. I am not much inclined to this kind of game so no harm is done. But for football fanatics, having access to a website where it offers a wide variety of features like team standings, news, scoreboards, schedule of games and watching your favorite football team play live are very important. Series A is Italian soccer at its finest. One can legally watch high quality online video streaming at very low cost rate. If one doesn't have the luxury of time to watch a particular game or series of team's games, Series A has a feature of weekly round up where it showcases all the best actions, goals and moments those particular games. Learning how soccer works, together with cooking and photography class are just a few things I wanna learn as I planned to be a bum in the future. LOL
 Labels: a bum's life, benjamin talks |
posted by ruther @ 7:33 PM   |
Full of BS |
Somebody just made me feel pissed off today. I think I really need to talk to this person now as I can no longer contain my anger over the situation. This really sucks. The frustration is not helping me ease the anxiety of all those wedding jitters.
***Sigh***Labels: what i feel |
posted by ruther @ 7:29 PM   |
The Wedding Dance |
Sunday, October 28, 2007 |
It's already November but Bebeh and I haven't praticed anything yet for our couple's dance. I have mentioned before that I dont want the ennie-sweetie type of dance because that is not so me. Please don't get me wrong, I like Michael Buble and the classic Frank Sinatra. It's just that it's gonna be awkward for me to dance in that kind of melody. I want to be unconventional. I prefer the crazy PussyCat or Spice Girls Fast Dance. It even came to a point that I suggested the song PAPAYA so that everybody will join us in the dance floor as we finish half-way of the song. LOL Months ago, I have asked Russell to bring home a DVD of JLO's Shall We Dance? because I didn't get to see it in silver screen when it was shown here in Manila. I want to see how Richard Gere and JLo elegantly danced Rhumba and Salsa. I know how to dance Rhumba (just a little) but I'm having a hard time following the steps on doing fabulous salsa. For somebody like me who doesn't have the luxury of time meeting dance instructors, having online dance lessons is really helpful. Aside from the fact that all I need to have is a partner, which I already have (a good dancer if I may say), our salsa dance steps will not only be limited to what a DI could teach us. Learning salsa online is indeed a fun and unique way of enjoying the intimate dance!  Labels: benjamin talks, wedding preps |
posted by ruther @ 3:53 PM   |
What a way to end my day! |
After posting my last entry on my wedding update, I decided to check PPP to see if there is any available opportunity for me. Doing paid opps has been put into halt for a while now since we are busy attending our wedding needs. To my surprise, I saw 15 available opps for me! Since I am using Russell's notebook (which by the way has a very weird set up), I thought that these opps are just featured opps and just like the usual, I might not get even one of it. Out of curiosity I checked out one and while reading the requirements, I saw that the minimum page rank required is 3. I was puzzled. I immediately looked into my page checker and walla! I got a PR4! Wow, I am really overwhlemed. This blog used to be a private blog. I only made this into a public blog sometime in June and I just enjoyed writing the happenings in my life. What I thought before was, if I am gonna die, at least some few people will know how I existed. Anyway, going back to this good news---I was only hoping for a PR 2 but what I got if really really enough of what I wished for. I just feel so ecstatic right now. Really, thanks to the latest PR Update! Labels: blogging |
posted by ruther @ 3:43 PM   |
Condominium or Home? |
It has always been a discussing between me and Russell whether we should a condo unit Manila or a house here in Cavite. Though this issue is really far from getting materialized anytime soon, we just want to weigh our option as early as possible. If we are going to get a condo unit in Manila, of course, we will have all the convenience of living and getting all the necessary facilities in just 5 or 10 minutes. However, as the building gets older, the value of your flat gets smaller. Talk about depreciation huh! Having a house in Cavite, specifically in Centennial (Kawit?) where Russell owns a small piece of land will enable us to have continuous home improvement and the land appreciates as time goes by. While discussing which of the two are we going to have, my number one concern is of course, our financial capacity. It always nice to know that the government supports some home loan activities that enables the Filipino in fulfilling their dreams of having their own home. We too, are looking for home loans option that will help us acquire our dream house. Of course, before getting into any kind of loan, we have to research and make computations first to know if we are getting a fair deal. Otherwise, we will just have to delay this project and wait until we have the enough amount of money. Labels: benjamin talks, home improvements |
posted by ruther @ 3:30 PM   |
The Dress, the Tie and the Shoe |
I forgot to include in my post earlier that Bebeh and I, together with half of our female entourage went to Divisoria to have their gown measurement. As usual, it was a hot and stinky place but the savings is worth all the effort. We initially planned to just drop off the car in SM Manila but then again, we just decided to hit off Tutuban by car. We were with one of my most loyal ex-QA, Marcus, who has always been there since I started preparing for this wedding. Anyway, on top of the gown measurement, we also bought some shoes. Yes, all of them are going to wear the same shoes. Arte ba?! LOL We're gonna be paying for their gown naman so their gonna be paying for their shoes. After all, it's only P280 in 168 mall (tinawaran from 350 to 280). The shoes are really chick. Nakakainis lang ung isabng abay ko at nag iinarte na maselan daw sya sa shoes..HayYyYY naku, eh kung palitan kaya kita jan?!! HmMmpPpfFf!!! Anyway, we took some pictures but I don't think these pictures give justice on how beautiful the shoes are in person.
Gerlie trying on the entourage dress and shoes: hair and make up na lang kulang...
 Sexy Shoe straps
Happy Shoes!
Side view of the shoes..What do you think? Before heading to home later today, we stopped by at SM Megamall to buy some Krispy Kreme since my beloved sister-in-law is craving for it. We grabbed this opportunity to look in the department for yellow neck ties that our male sponsors will use as they wear their suits. We also bought some distinct neckties for Russ' dad and my Papa. We're gonna look for another set of neckties for the male entourage the next time that we visit a mall.
The yellow neck ties
We will go to Divisoria again next week since some of the member of the female entourage were not able to make yesterday. We will also the gown measurement for the flower girls taken on that day as well. HayYyY...pagod na naman ito. We're gonna go to San Miguel Church pa kasi to have my confirmation done since Mujay and Pujax no longer remember the year of my confirmation. Then this Sunday, we will go again to Gardini's along UST to have the measurements done for the male entourage on their suit rental.
P.S. Sorry guys if you noticed that I haven't been visiting your blogs lately. Uber toxic lang talaga ngayon...promise, babawi ako when the wedding is over. :)Labels: wedding update |
posted by ruther @ 3:21 PM   |
Running Out of Ink |
We had drafted a Will you be card for our godparents but unfortunately, my HP printer run out of colored ink. It was a real hassle especially now that we need it most. I don't have the time to go to an ink refilling station and I don't know the model of our printer that is why a website like Cartridge Finder is really beneficial and useful as it offers its customers a wide variety of cartridges for more than 10,000 printer, copiers and fax machines. I really need to print our these will you be card by tomorrow morning! Labels: benjamin talks, wedding preps |
posted by ruther @ 3:15 PM   |
Meet the GodParents |
This week has been pretty tiring not just for me but to Russell as well. It's now 2'o clock in the morning and yet, I am still awake while Russell is sleeping beside me, snoring like hell! LOL Kidding aside, earlier this afternoon we went to two of our godmothers from my neighborhood: Mang Puring and Ate Elaine. Manang Puring has been a good family friend since me moved in our present house 12 years ago. While Ate Elaine, though still looking young at the age of 37, together with her husband, Kuya Sonny are role models to me. They know to manage long distance relationship and juggle career with family life. It's too bad that Kuya Sonny is not home yet. But late November, we will definitely pay them a visit again to give the formal invitation. We brought them the fabric that Russell creatively wrapped before and a basket of assorted fruits too.
I am still here in Cavite. We started Sunday by attending a mass in Kawit After that, Mama Luvie had planned to go to Tagaytay to have our lunch there but unfortunately, we already an appointment for today. So just we ended up having our lunch at Max's SM Bacoor. Ok na rin and in fairness, I missed their chicken! I really didnt eat that much since I know that Ninang Puring had cooked some delicious meal for me, Russell and Von, the best man. Boy, ninang really cooks well and she cooked all my favorite dishes: menudo, pansit guisado, molo soup and caldereta. She was even apologetic to me for not cooking lengua since she run out of marketing time. That's fine to me though. In fact, I am even grateful as I still had a feast with all those luscious food that was served to us. I practically didn't made my self up though when we visited our Ninangs as I am too tired for today. Monster-in-Law Not Applicable. LOL
Ate Elaine and kids with us My Adorable Ninang Puring with granddaughter Abby We still haven't paid a visit to my mom's best bud, Ate Leony and Kuya George. We haven't visited either Aunt Melvin and Uncle Sammy since they are still in Olongapo but Papa is always in touch with them and it was decided that we will just give the fabric that we bought for the ninangs though my Aunt Heny in Mandaluyong. Today, Monday, we are set to visit our Cavite-based godparents. It's a good day today since it's holiday so we can visit all of them all at the same day. I hope we can finish visiting our godparents ASAP as the next few days will be busy days for us. We're gonna be having our prenup video and photoshoot; will have our canonical interview and seminars done as well. Ahh I am now taking Centrum or else, my body will have it's payback time sometime in the future. That's all for now. Stay tuned folks!e Labels: wedding update |
posted by ruther @ 2:07 PM   |
Je t'adore Paris |
Russell and I have already booked our honeymoon in December. It's not as grand as those of some my fellow w@wies who had a Caribbean cruise, Asian tour or European tour. We just can't afford to have some lavish honeymoon at this point in time. However, Bebeh and I agreed to have a European tour on our 5th anniversary. By then, I am hoping that we can afford to have our dream honeymoon since both of are gonna have our respective jobs plus, we plan to have no babies yet until 2009. I am really not asking for high -end hotels. In fact, being the frugal person that I am, I would always look for bargains and sales when wanting something. I just wanted to be in nice hotels with affordable rates where we could enjoy local cuisine and get to see their finest beaches. I am sooOoOOo into Paris. I guess my fascination over the romantic Eiffel Tower is something that really triggered my hormones into loving this place. This may sound a cliché to some of you but to me, the Eiffel Tower is the most romantic place on earth. Well, on top of the romanticism that Paris brings, I would always watch the F Channel to see what is hot in fashion industry. Sometimes, I would watch Paris fashion week in F Channel for half a day. While staying in a hotel in France, it’s going to be a must for me to see at least one fashion show. I am really not much a shopper of high-end things nor I frequently pay a visit to Haute Couture shops but I am not just sure if I can stay that way given the fact that Paris, France has so much to offer. Of course, hotels in Paris can, I mean, are really expensive so it will take us a lot of research and time before coming up with a place to stay while in France. I promise I wont bring any credit card with me or else, my billing statements will be bombarded with Paris purchases. Rather, I would just do window-shopping till I drop. LOL.
De L'Horloge Hotel Avignon
Paris, promise me you will wait fr me in 5 years! :) Labels: benjamin talks, wedding |
posted by ruther @ 1:46 PM   |
Repetitive Wedding Gift Items, anyone? |
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 |
One of the most perennial problems of newly weds is the repetitive gift items that one can receive during the wedding day. As I insanely think about getting 6 rice cookers and 5 flat irons, I am now thinking of having a garage sale where I could sell all the unnecessary stuff that we’re going to have. I hope that our guest would not mind selling those gifts but I just don’t want these things to get old or unused over the time so we might as well sell it so that we can use the revenue generate from it and use it with other household things we really need. But unfortunately, I don’t have the time and energy to do that. What a good idea instead is to build an online store where I could place all the items for sale. Of course, in order for me to do that I need to have an affordable and reliable shopping cart. Though building a website for an online store is no longer that hard for me since Bebeh is now around, the problem of continuous running of the website will be an issue. I am thinking that I could offer our website to other w@wies who also wants to sell some of their stuff and I’ll just get a commission for every sale. I think this will help both parties. As of this time, everything is yet to materialize. I have to talk to Bebeh first before I invest on a business like this. Labels: benjamin talks, wedding |
posted by ruther @ 9:35 AM   |
ABCD of My Life |
Sunday, October 21, 2007 |
It's been a long time since I did a meme. Thanks to Kathy! It's Sunday today so I guess I can spare some time. My abcd ....Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! Seven facts about me: (1)former student activist (2)bossa nova aficionado (3)KFC extreme-hot shots lover (4)lead guitarist (4)obsessive-compulsive but without the disorder LOL (5)CSI Series Buff (6) office-bully (7) stands 5"2- hehehe! A - Age: 25 B - Band Listening To Right Now: Velvet Mood's sample string CD C - Career: Quality Assurance Supervisor D - Drink or Smoke: Drink-- a bottle of SML at most smoke -- once in a blue moon (usually when stresses at work). E - Easiest Friends To Talk To: My entire Team! G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: No, thanks! H - Have a Boyfriend: A loving, adorable and uberly pogi fiancé. I - In love: Ruusell, God, Family and my Team J- Junk Food You Like: Anything that has msg (vetsin...LOL all for P1 at your suking tindahan!) K - Kids: ahhhhhhh still in the making?! L - Longest Ride Ever: Manila to Vigan by bus (college) N - Names For Your Future Kids: Russell Therense and Madison (daw sabi ni Russell for girl, but I want Michiko or Kumiko like Yankumi of Gokusen) O - One Wish You Have Now: a rain-free wedding day P - Phobias: snakes Q - Favorite Quote: Pay me for my work but I don't do it ONLY for the money. R - Reasons To Smile: R_U_S_S_E_L_L S - Sleeping Hours: 7am T - Time You Woke Up: 6pm U - Unknown Fact About You: can we let it be Unknown? LOL V - Vegetable You Hate: Saluyot? W - Worst Habit: I tend to nag when nobody seems to listen and care. X - X-rays You’ve Had: Chest Y - Yummy Foods: Thai and spicy food Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Now I am tagging Eli, Erra, Dins, Che-Che, Wella, Jackie and Cory. |
posted by ruther @ 12:41 PM   |
On Being Just an Ordinary Kid |
My parents showered be with all the things I needed but only a few of what I wanted. At an early age, we were taught what is the difference between necessity and luxury. As such, I grew up working my ass if I wan to get something. For example, when I wanted a Nokia 5110 as a high school graduation gift, they told me that I need to finished my last year as our class' valedictorian. It was kind of so hard for me because I know that I got lazy during the first semester. But thanks to the motivation of getting a Nokia 5110 that I got so motivated on the next semester. Thus, I got the first spot!
Now that I am a part of the working class, I know have to work really had if I wanted to have an out-of-country get away or the wedding of my dream. Unfortunately even if I wanted to pamper myself with lots of things, I can only do much. That is why websites like www.affluentluxury.com, that talk about luxurious things really make me salivate over some things. It lets you know the finest and the hottest things that rich people should go to. It reviews a lot of establishments and enumerates the reason why a resort or a gift will make Paris Hilton say, "That's hot!" As Russell and I talk about our honeymoon plans in Bora, I can help but envy this place: Little Whale Cay.  This is little private island in the Bahamas. This private island that is shaped like a whale spans over 93 acres was developed by Wallace Groves in 1930s. There are just three secluded bungalows which can accommodate a maximum of 12 guests at a time. The island has its own landing strip, private harbor and a sea plane ramp. Now that's what you call privacy and serenity. Oh well. I can do nothing but just shake my head because there is no way that we can afford a luxury vacation like this one. Likewise, we can afford either to have ourselves checked in to 5-tar hotels except for the ones that can be found in the Philippines. As I browse Aflluentluxury.com, I found out that luxury resorts such as Paris Marriott Champs Elysees in Paris, France is one heck of hotel that is on the famous avenue in Paris and it will simply take your breath away. As we talk about luxury gifts that we might receive on our wedding, I once joked that if somebody will sponsor my wedding gown and it will cost the person more than P75k, I will really (with all my might) kick his ass. LOL Having said that, I can't help but go crazy that one wedding dress can actually cost a whooping US $132,902! Wow!  Pictured above is salesgirl showing a wedding dress adorned with 9,999 karats (about two kilograms) of gems at a jewelry store in Shangrao in eastern China’s Jiangxi province. Designed by a famed Hong Kong jewelry designer. But just like the title of this post, I am just an ordinary kid who needs to be either a small scale business entrepreneur or an 8-hour corporate slave in order to pamper myself with no-so-luxurious things. But hey! I wouldn't mind spending that amount of money which can make me happy provided that I am the DAUGHTER and SOLE HEIR of BILL GATES. LOL |
posted by ruther @ 11:28 AM   |
My Groom Steals the Scene |
Saturday, October 20, 2007 |
Last week, we went to Gardini's Shop in España (a long UST)to take Russell's measurement for his tuxedo. I am really excited over this activity. It was like the feeling that I had during my gown measurement. Aheeem... to be honest, I have only seen him wearing suit during his mom's silver wedding anniversary where he posed as the best man. Russell, 4 years ago At Gardini's last weekWe were accompanied by his best-friend, Von who also happens to be his best man. Because we are working on a budget, we can no longer afford to have them made their suits. Instead, we will have them rent suit and pants. It cost us P800 for both coat and pants. They only have to provide themselves white polo and contribute a minimal amount so that they could have uniform neckties. So that it won't look like as if it was really just rented and to avoid them from appearing to be "hangers" (just like the best man below...LOL) Male Entourage are set to have their measurements taken before this month ends. Von trying on one of the suits...errr!!!! Scary hanger!We're also done wrapping the cloth to be given o our female principal sponsors. Though we still have to buy bulk orders or neck ties for our Ninongs and male entourage.  Motif: Orange, Yellow and Brown Last Saturday, we were set to go to Makati to attend some meetings but due to the recent Glorietta event, it has been canceled. What we did instead is that I asked Russell and fetch me in the office at 5am so that he could also experience where my team usually hangs out after a very excruciating week. Too bad that we were not able to bring a camera and nobody even remembered to take pictures on their cellphones. He was accompanied again by his very loyal friend, Von. I should say that they also had a great time especially with the good food around and the ever-so-laugh-trip-pseudo-PIATTOS moment. LOL After the night market, we then went to Malate Church to set up an appointment for our Canonical Interview and Pre-Cana Seminar this November. It was a good thing that there was an early wedding here so we were able to witness together how the first part of the ceremony should go. And of, I also upgraded the flowers in Malate Church from the usual mums to 12 pots of calla lilies and tulle. It wasn't that hefty. In fact, it only cost us around P3,500.
Last night, (Saturday) Russell's friends went to his house. It's the first time that they saw each other since Russell came back home. Bebeh wanted me to be there but I beg off as I really wanted them to have some time alone. Besides, he is supposed to visit me in the house today together with his parents. I guess, this is the so-called pamamanhikan. I mean, the real pamamanhikan. No more webcam and internet. LOL
I'm geeting excited now... hihihihihihi!
Labels: wedding preps, Week Review |
posted by ruther @ 10:31 PM   |
I dont want you to go.... |
After 3 days of being sick, I finally went back to work last Thursday. I was still not in the mood to go back to work but an idea just popped in my head so even though I am already late, I still pushed myself to go to the office and see my other Canadian manager who's been in town since last Monday. I haven't seen her yet since she came. I was feeling giddy over the fact that I will get to see her after a year and yet, I was feeling kind of low as well because I am about to disclose a very unfortunate news.
I was walking the Ortigas Road area but my mind was traveling somewhere else. That is why I never realized that Mgr was standing just a few steps away from the Ortigas Bldg.'s parking area and was actually looking at me. When I finally saw her, I immediately greeted her and she asked how I am am doing now. In a very coarse voice I said, "I'm OK now. Thanks for asking. Well actually, I am not supposed to be here in the office yet but I just have to tell you a life-changing event later this evening." She said, "Oh no! I don't want to hear that!" I just palely smiled. Then I went upstairs.
Because I was not around for 3 days, I was really really overwhelmed with the number of emails I have to read. Imagine, 600 emails in two outlook account! darn it! Oh well, I have already expected this. I don't think I have been away for this long in my two-year-plus stay in the company and every time I would go on a 1-day absent or leave, I should be expecting 150+ emails.
Anyway, my day was just a pretty normal day for me. I updated a kilo-metric number of trackers, coached my team member, checked my team's effectiveness and efficiency stats. My routine has always been that way. James B. has always been a big help to me but now that he is going to concentrate more on his QAA work, I have no other choice but to face this EVERY DAY HELL. Well I told myself, "That's fine. 'Tis not gonna be for that long." I even sent an email of gratitude to my team (sorry Carol and James B... I didn't mean to exclude you) by telling them how much they made the last few months of my EPS stint even more meaningful when they initiated a petition and how grateful I am for having team members like them. I know that we have been in the same situation before (saying my goodbye to them) but I thought that I am more firm this time. Nobody can stop me from resigning. Sometimes even when the salary is really that good and office people are just adorable, when you have already lost your passion into what you are doing, you are not gonna survive for long. I still like my what I doing; developing people's potential and letting them climb up the corporate but I just don feel that the company whom I will forever be grateful, the first company who also nurtured my potential, NO LONGER VALUES MY CONTRIBUTION. I don't think that this company still needs me, so to speak. I have lots of rants to say but I would rather keep it to myself. This blog has been quite a popular blog in the office that even some people from network and reporting department are now reading it. Oh well, thanks for the traffic! LOL Kidding aside, I was doing just fine when about two hours before end of our shift, MGR approached me and told me that we needed to talk to me.
We went to a her office and Mgr had let me be the one to disclose the news. But even before saying a thing (and though I got blank and I can sense that my voice is gonna tremble) she already said, "Well, actually I think I already have an idea on what you are about to say but I guess you have something to say anyway so please go ahead." Then I started to enumerate all the things that we need to work out if we want to make our campaign the most successful and profitable program in the company. Manager-subordinate relations, open and proper channeling of communication, commendation and recognitions, monetary rewards for the QAAs and the QAS are just a few of the many things I have emphasized. One of the major points I have raised is my (twice: one and a half years) delayed appraisal review. It is so ironic who does performance reviews for her QAS 2 weeks before their regularization gets her own 14 of being a permanent supervisor. Being the very THET, I will not just go with the flow if I know that something is not right or if something needs to be justified first before we comply as they shouldn't expect people to just follow orders without knowing the reason why a task has to be done and how it should be done correctly. We are humans. We are not humans. We are not robots. Sometimes, one's health could really take it's toll and even patience. On top of that, I told her that I feel that our program doesn't need someone like me now so I guess it's for me to say goodbye and find another program where I could share my ideas and my thoughts will be heard. What she told me after I shared my views really made me cried. "Is there anything I can do for you not to go BECAUSE I REALLY DON'T WANT YOU TO AND I AM DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT THAT. The reason why you were given with those tasks is because you are the strongest and the most senior supervisor in this campaign. You have pioneered this one and the fact that a lot of QAS has supported a signature campaign for you is just a manifestation of how good you are. I know that you can set aside personal issues from work. I know that you have personal disagreements with ------ but I don't really care. All I really care is for you guys be professional when you are on the floor. I personally apologize to you for not paying close attention to your performance review but I just got too pre-occupied. Again, I take full responsibility on that. But I'll make sure that before I leave Manila, I'll have an answer for you."
Call it mababaw ang kaligayahan but hearing those things from somebody I really expect and somebody who has high standards for excellent performance is just too overwhelming. That somehow re-lived my passion. We came into an agreement that I will not resign (yet) until the result for my performance and salary review comes out. Sometimes, I can't help but think why some employees had to "threaten" their boss that they are going to resign before thebosscould give them a salary increase. I am really not asking for too much. I am not really unreasonabl.e I am just asking what is dues for me just like everybody else in our company already had. Hmmm...I guess I just have to wait and see...
P.S. When I told my team about this conversation quite a number of them said, "Praise God!" or "God is Good!" Some of them were smiling foolishly. I soOOOoO LOVE MY TEAM!
Labels: office stories, what i feel |
posted by ruther @ 11:05 AM   |
Team Building Postponed, Again?!!! |
Friday, October 19, 2007 |
I know! I know! I have been a very bad blogger that I didn't had the time to update this blog. I guess, blogging has to take the back seat now especially that UngASS is now in town. LOL Anyway, I have been planning for quite sometime an activity that will bring my people closer together. Initially, we have planned to go to Puerto Galera. Then it became Pansol Laguna. It was then changed to booking Manila Pavilion's Ambassador Suite. But having a team building also means dispensing some cash from my team members, the said activity has not materialized. How I wish that all of my team members are single so that they won't have that hefty financial obligations. Though the team building activity was postponed (twice already!), we all agreed that when we get our 13th month pay, we're gonna have a lavish one. Hehehehehe! I know that Allison is one of the most disappointed people in my team with this very unfortunate event. Why? Because she got pretty excited when I have her a free P600 casino voucher from my gold membership at Manila Pavilion. Oh well, I think she has to keep that voucher and just wait for my bridal shower. Hehehehe. I once joked her that she could always play online casino and play ala-Vegas style. But being amateur gamblers ourselves, I don't think that we can easily grasp how to play online poker. So I guess bet365's wide range of online betting services through online casino, Sportsbook facility, interactive games section and online poker playing area is going to be an experience for us as it provides a one wallet system so that customers can enjoy the benefits of a full range of services through one manageable account. Labels: benjamin talks, office stories |
posted by ruther @ 5:00 AM   |
Thanks to PPP |
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 |
As I have been absent yesterday, quite an amount is going to be deducted on my next salary. Good thing that one of my referrals in PPP has already been paid. Thanks to James B. I still have 3 other referrals but they haven't been paid off. Oh well, I wish all will be able to complete their first PPP task this month so that I can compensate the amount that I lost due to my sick days.
 Labels: PPP |
posted by ruther @ 1:42 AM   |
What's in Store for Halloween? |
Monday, October 15, 2007 |
Last year, my team observed Halloween more lavishly among any other teams in the QA department. I really coerced my team members to wear something halloweenie. Even those people who are posing as 'macho' really did dress up which made the event even more exciting. We haven't heard any news yet if we are going to have a work station design and costume contest but nevertheless, my team is thinking of having a costume party (miski kami lang ang mag costume sa buong floor). Hahahahaha!!!
Uber-Uber pumpkin eh?
Andy and Thet...effortless. LOL
Team Uy (2006)
Team Uy-Part 2
For this year, I got crazier people around and it really arouses us the idea of having the entire team wearing a butterfly theme. I got a preggo QA and we're teasing her that she's gonna be a tadpole. For the faggots, we're insanely thinking of having them wear a cocoon costume and the rest of the team members will have wings. Oh well, gud luck na lang sa amin pag punta ng Divisoria. I miss my team. Hope I can get to work tomorrow.
(Pictures were taken inside the office but no client name was exposed. I didn't either mention the name of the call center I am working for.)
Labels: celebrations, office stories |
posted by ruther @ 8:03 PM   |
I'm sick again... |
I got bronchitis and UTI. Darn it! Erika texted me last night and I told her that I am sick. She said, in a very naughty manner, "Ano ba kasing nilulon mo?!" LOL
I did not come to work last night. Most probably, I will not come to work today either. But hopefully, I can get back to work especially now that my Canadian boss is in town. *sigh*Labels: office stories |
posted by ruther @ 7:43 PM   |
Something for Rocky |
As the wedding is fast approaching, I can really feel that expenses are also ballooning. As such, it's really important for me to save even a penny. I have to make sure that every time I go shopping, it should be discounted or a buy-one-take-one deal. Russell will give me his notebook when he leaves March of next year so finding Dell coupons will help him save more money. Unfortunately, I am really having a hard time looking for a great deal for the "baby" that Russell gave me about a year ago.
 Rocky at 2 months (November 2006) Oh poor Rocky. I don't think I have given him something new for the past 6 months. As I searched online looking for some discounted items for dogs that Russell can bring home, I came across 1800PetMeds coupons. It offers great deal for a wide range of animal products such as dental care and other grooming products. Though Rocky doesn't want dog food, he surely wants some denta food like the ones made by Pedigree. Aside from that, I think Russell will be salivating over this kind of bed. LOL Isn't this comfy and nice?!
 Labels: benjamin talks, rocky |
posted by ruther @ 6:49 PM   |
Caught -off-Guard |
Sunday, October 14, 2007 |
I have been blogging about how so little time I have to prepare myself as I (secretly) plan to fetch Russell in the airport. Little did I know that it's gonna be the other way around.
Friday, October 12. Aside from the fact that it's a holiday, this day is just an ordinary day for me. As usual, I came to work with no make-up; just tied my long hair; wore at-shirt and faded jeans and my ever realible tsinelas na pambahay . LOL While I was swamped with work with side-chatting err bullying my QASs, our lovable security officer, Mang Jolly, approached me, saying that a certain "Ton-Ton" is outside and he wants to talk to me. Dang! My heart was beating so fast. Ton-ton is my brother and the fact that he hasn't visited me in the office in the entire 2 years tells me that something went wrong at home. From a bully face, my face turned into a poker face- something that got my QASs made worried as well. As I stepped outside the 4th floor, I see nobody. I told myself, maybe he is in the lobby so I'm just gonna go downstairs. A few steps before I headed to the elevator, "something" tells me that "somebody" is watching me. There I saw Russell. But wait! Isn't this image just an apparition?! Russell is supposed to be home on Sunday, not on Friday. I froze for like 5 seconds and then, the apparition was walking towards me! Oh God, is this really Russell?! When he smiled, that's the only time I recovered. Immediately, he hugged me but instead of embracing him back, I gave him a powerful right job. Apparently, he arrived 9:30 Friday morning. Hahahahahaha! Tantado ito! Kala ko, multo na nakita ko! Alright, setting being bully aside , after giving him a tight job ala Manny Pacquiao, I hugged and kissed him and asked him to go with me on my desk. A few steps before we reached our work area, I noticed that most of my QAS were standing, as if they are waiting to see what's gonna happen. When they saw me with a man, they instantly knew that "That is Russell!" Why not?! I have Russell's picture in my desk. Anyway, when Olive and James teased me, I blushed. As in really blushed. Eh gatong pa ang mga bakla by saying that we're like Kim Chiu and Gerald A. Somebody even sang Kim Chiu's Crazy Love (?) N aku, patay kang bata ka! Riot na ito. "Hoy, magtrabaho kayo kung di i-issuehan ko kayo ng work avoidance!" LOL What I really felt were mixed emotions. I was happy and surprised because I didn't expect that a predictable man to do something unpredictable like this. On the other, I was disappointed with myself because I didn't really get my self to really dress up and look more presentable in Russell's eyes. Sayang ang plan naming mga bakla. We were supposed to go to the gym and they will accompany me in a salon where I could have my hair dyed and trim. After that, we were also planning to go Glorietta so that Josh and I could buy some MAC make up products para naman di mukhang haggard ang fez ni atashi. All those plans vanished! Ay sus me! Russell saw me without lip gloss! Ewwwww!!! Anyhow, after finalizing some documents needed for our new payroll system, I immediately had a break. We went to Metrowalk with no specific bar/resto to go to. At the parking lot, I was about to step out of the car when Russell stopped me. Dun daw muna kami sa loob ng kotse. Aba, 'tong manyakis na to. Magtigil ka, hindi mo kotse tong dala mo at hindi tinted ng windows. LMAO We stayed in the car for about 10 minutes with so little words uttered. Ala lang... tamang serenity and cherishing the moment. Ok, fine I admit. We kissed. We kissed like hell. Ikaw ba naman ang di makatikim ng kiss for 19 months eh ewan ko na lang. Parang gusto kong maging Tina Paner at kumanta ng "Tamis ng Unang Halik" hehehehehe! Anyway, we went to Oyster boy. We had some baked oysters and a bottle of ice cold San Mig Light. Earlier that day, I didn't plan to go on half day but after finishing my San Mig bottle, I think uuwi na kami. hihihihihihi. I really wanted to go home as early as 11pm but since we're gonna have a farewell dinner for Iris (and that needs a separate entry), we have no other choice but to join the team. So there, we went to his home in Cavite at around 2:30 am na. But I think I slept at around 4am pa. Usually, if I am tired, I would doze off so easily. But how can I sleep when someone right beside me is snoring like hell?! LOL Good thing that that we don't have any itinerary for Saturday morning so I can sleep all day that I want. At around 1pm, Russ told me that his mom called him and said that we're off to Tagaytay for dinner. We immediately prepped ourselves and headed to Caltex where we were supposed to meet. We were expecting that we're gonna man the cashier area pero since 2 naman yung present na assitants, dun na lang kami sa sulok na table. For some reason, Mama Luvie got stacked in her rotary meeting. To kill boredom, we ate some squash seeds and fool around with Russell's new DSLR. Tita Thet and Russell's niece Chelsea Bebeh ko... Tantado 'to! Yoko nga magpa-picture eh! Si Daddy Ramir din... ayaw magpa-picture!It was around 4:30 when Mama Luvie and Daddy Ramir came back from their meeting so instead of going to Tagaytay, we ended up going to Dampa Roxas-Seaside Market. I have been to this place a lot of times already though I haven't done the marketing yet so when we joined Mama Luvie as she does the pamamalengke, we really had a great time. I didn't know that even crabs have BAKLA. And take note mga tsufateed, mas mahal ang baklang alimango kesa sa babae huh... tarush noh! We really did have a great time especially humabol ang brother in-law ni Russell na si Ronnel. It was like one big happy family. :) We took home 3 kilos of lanzones and 2 kilos of mangosteen and 2 DVDs. It was around 9:30 when we finally went home. I was pretty exhausted miski wala naman mshadong ginawa so I unknowingly napped for about 15 mins. Russell grabbed this opportunity naman to fix the wireless router connection for his sister and all the notebooks they have at home. When I woke up and saw that Russell is not in the room, I decided to watch Chuck and Larry on my own. Siguro sa sobrang pagod talaga, I never get to finish the flick and dozed off at around 12 na. Girlie: Gutom na ko..wahHhhHH!!!! The Hernandez Family (me on the camera...LOL)The following day, we started the day with a mass. Girlie was not there as she attended her Sunday-AutoCad course in Informatics. We planned to attend the Rockwell Bridal Fair but due to the limited time that we have, we just went to Gateway where I bought Russell a few boxer shorts and 10 blank CD-RWs. We also went to Farmer's Dampa and had some food that we brought home. Russell and my parents had some nice conversation over dinner. My nephew, Kenneth, really showed his Tito Russell how kulit he is now. Bebeh also saw my niece, Akane for the first time. Right before Russell left, we saw one of our Ninang to-be, Ninang Puring outside our house while having their usual nigh time chismisan session with my mudrax. XD Sa bahay ng pamilyang pasaway Russell with my niece, Akane. Akane: Sino ba 'tong panget na ito?!
HayyyY the past 2 days have been tiring for me. Tiring but filled with happiness. I'm gonna be inactive again as the next few days will be dedicated to more extensive wedding preparation activities. :) Labels: celebrations, family matters, Russell and Thet |
posted by ruther @ 10:25 PM   |
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About Me |
Name: ruther
Home: Ontario, Canada
About Me: *25-something faggot
*proud pinay
*business degree imbecile
*iskolar ng bayan
*former student activist
*call center quality assurance supervisor* former DELL computer technician*
*prefers grave yard shift rather than day shift job
*doesn't drink nor smoke
*koreanovela sucker
*lead guitarist
*bossa nova aficionado
*KFC extreme hot shots lover
*imago's fan
*sydney bristow apprentice(wish!)
*gil grissom struggling student(talk about being geek!)
*jack bauer's love interest(another wish!)
*michael scofield's savior(get real!)*
avid follower of jerry bruckheimer
*soon-to-be-bride of a very wonderful groom.
See my complete profile
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