About this blog |
No Holds Barred: A compilation of rants, raves, movie and book reviews, R & R escapades, relationships, office workloads, and stories to ponder. For this year, this is also going to be our wedding blog. Updates and Review on Wedding Suppliers will posted here...Honeymoon experience and other escapades will also be posted. |
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Tolerance |
Thursday, August 30, 2007 |
Ok. I have posted something about "her."
Just today, I also learned that she is saying negative things towards me. I was really appalled because in the office, she would come forward to me "real sweet". I mean no trace or any signs that she is saying things behind my back.
I wish she would just do the same thing that I am doing. Blogging.
What ever it is that I feel, especially if it has something to do at work, this blog is my outlet. I have tried to ignore all the complaints that I've been getting from other QAS on her behavior. Way back June, two people from Team E are complaining na "sobrang ingay" nya kaya ayaw nilang mag-station sa tapat nya. Last July, my former QASs who are now under Team A are also complaining na sobrang ingay nya kapag nagi-stay sya sa pang umaga.
Yet there was another complain na minsan, parinig sya ng parinig sa office. Somebody told me na galit yata sya kay Marianne. What ever reason it is, hindi sya dapat nag i-iskandalo sa floor.
I am not reading the rules for insubordination. It is also only today that during that time that I asked a new QAS to go 'buddy-up' with her, she refused. Talagang hindi na nalapag side-jack si QA.
HayYYyy...hanggang kailan? I think I'm gonna contact her former chief from her latest employer. Bka sakali makakuha ako ng tipo n how to handle her.
posted by ruther @ 9:46 AM   |
How sensitive are you? |
In my 5 years as a call center worker, I have met hundreds, if not thousands of individuals from all walks of life. I have met the most down-to-earth people, the sky-high egoistic, the "low-profile", the pa-cogños, the psychotic(s), the delusional(s), the most sane to the most insane people: it's almost every adjective you can use to describe a person.
As somebody who manages a team of 17 people, I have to deal with all these kinds characters. It's a pain in the butt, I must admit. And the hardest part of it is that, even if I want to express my opinion about something/somebody, I have no other choice to keep it to myself to avoid being tagged as partial, unfair and power-tripper. I am ought to set an example.
I have this one QAS, who I should say, has the most difficult attitude I have encountered. I don't know what is up with her that she thinks she is the most superior (un)human being in our team. Funny thing though is she has so many insecurities in herself. Ironically, she would always make "parinig" in our team about other people's flaws. I called that as her "defense mechanism." Come to think of it: when it's about her, she wants our team to be sensitive on how she would feel. But she is just to tactless about pinpointing other's "defects." I tend to ignore (most of the time) all of her parinig because it is just so vague and I will never confront somebody without any concrete details to support my argument. And besides, she hasn't made any negative comments towards me. I don't know if it's out of respect or because she knows that I also have a stronger personality and she owes me something. Hindi nya ko kaya kasi mas kupal ako sa kanya. She knows that I could kicked her butt out in the office anytime that I want. (Well, that is because she already has a lot of violations that I have just ignored.)
There is just this one instance where I blurted how I feel. Of course you have read in my previous posts that I got a lot of gay team members. Cesar (bassist of the Soapdish band, who is also a "BADING KILLER") were being teased by my QAS if his son already has an education plan. I dropped a comment, "Mahal sa Harvard eh, kaya sa Ateneo na lang daw bakla." When suddenly, this QAS unsolicitedly made a comment, "Ateneo? Yuck, ang papanget kaya ng mga taga Ateneo."(She is from DLSU by the way.) For a few seconds, we were all stunned by her remark. Then I recovered and said, "Hay naku, miski saang school ka pa galing, basta hindi ka marunong makisama, tae ka. Besides, ako nga taga UP pero nasa call center din!" Then all people laughed. They are smart enough to figure out what I meant. They read between the lines. One of my QAS privately sent me an email, "She just got a dose of her own medicine. " Nakakahiya din kasi sa ibang team na nakarinig. We got a few Atenistas from different teams. I remember that during her training, she was once got irked by a remark of her co-trainee that "If you are from UP, you are firm on what you believe and you got more-than-the-average intelligence. If you are from AdMU, you are rich and intelligent. But f you are from DLSU, you are just PRESTIGIOUS." This remark really irritated her because for her, it is synonymous with just having the money and NO BRAINS. Boy, she was fuming mad about this.
To be fair to her, I made my research and talked to her previous co-workers. Then I found out from quite a number of people that she is really a trouble maker. At nang-aaway daw sya ng supervisor. She has been with 3 different call centers already and all of her former co-workers have nothing but negative remarks toward her. I remember the time when I was asked by our Canadian manager that 2 people from my team will be moving to another campaign, the people from this another campaign had to bribe me in the hope that I will not let this person be transferred to their team.I used to handle this campaign so I am pretty close with the people working on this program. When I asked them why, it turned out that they know this girl and they really don't like her attitude. Sinusuka talaga sya ng ibang team. She thinks and speaks highly of herself.
I had to do this research in order for me to know if her attitude is just about my team or she has always been that way since she was born (LOL).
For now, I THINK I can still handle her. I still have to wait and see. I have yet to signed the regularization papers of 13 people this coming September. I am deeply and religiously thinking whether I would have her regularization pro-longed or if she is entitled for a regularization (in the first place). So help me God..... |
posted by ruther @ 3:25 AM   |
Time for a Change |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 |
In a span of one year, I don't think I have changed my template, not even once. I guess I just got tired of my old-blunt template so I am up at this very unholy hour in the morning in search for a new template.
I don't have the time yet to work around with this template so please excuse the very unorganized look of my blog. I will propably update this template over the weekend. I don't have yet my shoutbox. If you don't see your name in the Link section, just leave me a comment on this post.
Ciao! |
posted by ruther @ 9:01 PM   |
Tagged not just once, but twice! |
Saturday, August 25, 2007 |
I've been busy the past few weeks that I neglect updating this blog. Much worse, I just couldn't find the time to answer those meme(s) my fellow good bloggers have tagged. Some of those memes are memes I have already answered before so I'm just gonna answer the new ones. Because today is Sunday, I'll take this opportunity to answer those.
Here is one from Eli. This one, they called as the "birthday meme."This tag’s rule is to:
- Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday (month and day).
- Write down three events, 2 births, 1 holiday and tag 5 friends.
Important Events that happened on March 12
1933- Great Depression: Franklin Delano Roosevelt addresses the nation for the first time as President of the United States. This was also the first of his "Fireside Chats."
1993- North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea says that it plans to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and refuses to allow inspectors access to Nuclear sites.
I share the same birthday with:
1386- Ashikaga YOshimochi, Japanese shogun
1953- Ron Jeremy, American pornographic actor (LOL)
Celebrated Holiday:
Arbor Day in People's Republic of China and Taiwan.
Aight! I'm done with Eli's Tag. Now I'm gonna do Carlo's meme, the one word meme.
Where is your cell phone? In my room Relationship? Engaged Your hair? Very Long Work? QA Supervisor Your sister? 1 Your favorite thing? DVD Your dream last night? AhhHh, it was horrible. It'll take another post for that. Your favorite drink? Big Chill's green mango Your dream car? Any car, as long as it has great sound system set-up. The room you’re in? Living room Your shoes? white sneakers from Converse Your fears? Not doing all the things I want to try before I die. What do you want to be in 10 years? A stay-home mom with a home-based business Who did you hang out with this weekend? The entire family! What are you not good at? Office Politics Muffin? Blueberry One of your wish list items? hhhHmm..can't think of any Where you grew up? Quezon City Last thing you did? Watched Episode 19 of CSI Las Vegas Season 7 What are you wearing? Shorts and a pink t-shirt What aren’t you wearing? earrings? Your pet? rocky, a shih tzu that Russell gave me last year Your computer? desk top: a generic one, bought from Gilmore Notebook: HP, don't know the model though Your life? A ride like a roller coaster Your mood? Lazy, it's Sunday today and all I want is to sleep, watch, eat, watch and eat again...LOL Missing? You know who.... lol What are you thinking about right now? You know who...(again!) Your car? I don't have a car, im a professional commuter...LOL Your kitchen? We have a kitchen and the so-called dirty kitchen... Your summer? March to May Your favorite color? Red Last time you laughed? a minute ago Last time you cried? Last Thursday (another entry for this) School? U.P. Love? Family, Russell and my QA Team.
Dang! I finished this meme in less than 10 minutes! I guess I'm in the mood right now. Meanwhile, I'll go back to my weekly blog hopping. :) |
posted by ruther @ 10:53 PM   |
I love you in spite of... |
Friday, August 24, 2007 |
For the past few weeks, reality hit me. darn it! i've been hanging on a long-distance relationship for the past 4 years of my life. a lot of people say that i'm strong, that i am patient. i used to be feisty and spontaneous. without russell on my side, i am crippled. i no longer enjoy the things i usually do. as expected, i feel real bored. being "thet", of course if you know me, i would vocally say what i feel and what is on my mind. i'm sooOoO happy that i have always been honest and brutally frank to the man who showed me how beautiful life is, as this attitude (being a blunt b!@tch..LOL) made him realize that being engaged (or even married) does not give one a license to be lax and let the spark of the relationship fade away.
ahhhhh! Enough has been said about my sentiments----Being a pathetic Internet fag, i found this article which helped me realize a lot of things about love, jealousy, and trust. I just thought I should share this article to my friends who are experiencing turbulence in their relationship.
Of course you've heard of joe d mango. He gives advice on love andrelationships on Wave 89.1. Have u ever wondered what he does when he hashis ownlove problems? Does he give advice to himself? Does he handle it verywell?Here's his story. Three fridays ago, our guru on relationships, joe d mango, read aletter to his wife on his popular radio program Love Notes. For thepast 11 years, he had been giving advice to people who would writehim letters about their personal problems. To the surprise of hislisteners that friday, instead of reading one of his usual letters,he read one that he had written himself to his wife Bing.Joe felt that he had to tell his listeners that even someone like himcould go through a marital crisis, but that he survived it. Here'show his letter goes:
In our 11 years of marriage it was just the two of us. I never had aclose circle of friends and she never had one either. Life for us wasjust "you and me," day in and day out. We were literally sleepingbeside each other for 11 years. It came to point that there wasnothing more interesting to talk about. I was aware I was doing thatbut I never did anything about it. We were so close yet it seemedlike we were so distant. Then came her new circle offriends.They recently had an elementary and high school reunion. Remember herpersistent suitor since elementary days? He was there. We already hadfour daughters and the guy had four kids of his own. They exchangedphone numbers. They started to text each other and this bothered me.a big part of it was insecurity and other part was that she oncedenied that she was texting the guy.
I felt bad because she started hiding things from me. Then the guy asked her if they could meet for lunch. It became a source of tensionbetween us. I finally agreed, but before that, I told her that I felt that I was going through the same pain again. I have seen so manystories like this. If you told me the first part of the story I would already know where it would lead to.Bing accused me of being a "know-it-all" person. But deep in my heartI knew where she was heading. Why would a married guy see a marriedgirl unless it was for business or professional reasons? Finally,even if it was against my will, I drove her to the meeting place.
While I was waiting at the radio station, I wanted to call her but knew it wasn't proper. So I just waited for her to tell me how thei rmeeting went.When she related to me what happened I felt that she was keeping theother details. I was afraid to ask because I wasn't prepared to accept her answers. I told her that it would be best if that was their last meeting. She got mad and told me that I was starting to control her life.The following day, I saw a small, torn piece of paper that had the words,"lose you" in the trash can at home. I started picking up the pieces of paper and putting them together. She had written: "Felt sad because I felt that this will be our last meeting." "Wanted to hug you..." Before I could figure out what the third one was, Bing was already at my back. She wanted to get the torn pieces of paper back.She said it was private property. We decided to talk.By then, I was able to figure out the third line: "Not sure if afraid to lose you." She had crossed it out and beside it, she hadwritten, "Wanted to cry."
That was what hit me. How could you lose something that's not even with you yet? That was a confirmation that she was getting emotionally attached to the guy. We fought because she didn't want to admit it. She said that what she had written was all about friendship and not about love. For the first time in our marriage she asked for freedom from me. For 11 years we were always together, and now this.She had discovered her own little world and wanted to explore it. I didn't want to give it to her but finally I gave in. I told her that she could do anything she wanted and not worry about how I would feel. In fact, I told her that I was planning to leave her and kids for a while so we could give each other the chance to be alone. We decided to give the new arrangement a try.
The following day, Thursday, I went to work early and she texted me. I never answered back. When I didn't respond, she called me. She said, "I'm sorry. I love you and I miss you." For the first time inour mariage I said, "I love you and I miss you too" with tears in my eyes.I realized how much I loved her but I also knew how much she wanted her freedom. When I arrived at the station I asked for a leave. My boss advised me to think it over, but he said that he would allow me to go on leave. After letting it all out I felt relieved. It was the first time in my life that I asked for advice about our relationship.While I was talking with my boss, a messenger arrived with 12 whiteroses arranged in a basket. It came from Bing. Then a text message on my cellphone came, "I know that no material things can ease the pain that you're feeling right now, but these flowers signify my pure and sincere intentions. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."Still, a question continued to bug me: "I'm giving you the freedom.Will you choose to stay or go on?" I read the card, and it had theanswer to my question: "Dear Dad, I finally realized that I made avery big mistake in choosing a new found friendship at the expense ofour long-time friendship. Please forgive me. I wil always love you."
Bing called the guy and told him that she wanted to end the friendship. He said that they could just text or call each other.Bing said that there was no need.We had dinner and talked up to 1 am. It was like getting married allover again. We lost each other and found our way back. I do not wantto go through the same pain again.Friday came and it was the first time in the history of Love Notes that I couldn't do Love Notes. I scheduled a replay. When I was atthe station at 9am,I composed a letter to Bing. I was asking myself,should I read this or do a replay? I chose to read the letter. It is not unusual to hear people say "I love you because..." but this story has shown us that the deeper and greater love ishaving to say "I LOVE YOU IN SPITE OF..."
Stay in love guys! (,")Labels: Relationships, stories to ponder |
posted by ruther @ 2:12 PM   |
My Hands are Full |
A lot of changes and movements are currently happening in the campaign that I am handling right now. Some are good, some are bad. For one, one of my protégé back in my "international" days has been promoted as a QA Supervisor. Her wife, also my former QAS just gave birth to a wonderful baby girl. The christening is set on Oct. 28. Just in time when Russell will be here to accompany me (I just hope that he won’t bug me about having his "own share of christening story" because that will certainly not happen this year, not YET).
It is almost the end of the month so that means I’ll go on a hibernate mode in my everyday internet surfing and blogging days to take care some issues- just to make sure that the fiscal month will end without any hassles. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth over a pound of cure. I am also busy updating the payroll and attendance performance of quite a number of people. I don’t usually take vitamins but for this week, I made sure that I’ll get a dose of ascorbic acid. I can’t afford to get sick. Not on these days. I am cramming reading all of my unread emails to ensure that I will have a stress and worry-free week end.
Honestly, it's not only me who gets stressed nowadays. Even chief gets stressed. I feel for her. She is now the 'chief' but somehow, there is still a shadow from 'up north'. Mejo naaawa na rin ako. She once made a decision that is favorable to us only to be overturned. I hope that she will get full authority. If before, I am totally against her, I could say that she now has my 55% support. LOL
Oh well, let us see how next month will turn out for all of us.Labels: all in a day's work |
posted by ruther @ 1:21 PM   |
Job Opportunities |
Monday, August 20, 2007 |
We are now in need of 150 Email and Chat Support Representatives.
Please refer below for the minimum requirements for these roles:
Must be fluent in English language College undergraduate is acceptable (at least 2nd year College) (We used to accept only college graduates but in order to accomodate the number of people we need, we now accept undersgrads for the agent level position. Other positions still need at least a bachelor's degree.) Basic knowledge in Business Writing
Since this is a chat/email account, you need not to fret about your accent. Voice is not a must here. You will deal with customer through email. We just need you to be thorough on your grammar and your spelling. To apply, please visit our Ortigas Office: M-F 9am-6pm 4th Floor Ortigas Bldg., Ortigas Ave. cor. Meralco Ave. Ortigas Centre, Pasig City. You can write in my name as your referral person. Thet Uy/QA Supervisor. Or you can also send me your resumé thru: ninjathet0312@gmail.com. Good Luck! Labels: work |
posted by ruther @ 2:56 PM   |
RSS or Atom Feed? |
I've been researching the net and trying soOoOOoo hard what does syndication means and how it could help my log. Then I came across RSS and Atom Feed. No matter how simple the authors explained the many ways I could I create my own feed, I guess my brain cells are just too lazy to absorb all the techy things these authors are discussing. Talk about manic Monday.
Paging those IT geek and techno savy people: Can you explain to me in a lay man's term what is this for? How could I create one? Or shamelessly I would ask, would you care creating one for me?
By the way, this post marks my 100th post in this blog.... ahoyYyYY!!Labels: blogging |
posted by ruther @ 6:58 AM   |
Onli in Da Pilipins |
Sunday, August 19, 2007 |
It's funny that you never realize how unique Filipinos are unless seen from a foreigner’s perspective. Erika and I are so used to the frequent visits of our company executives, especially our QA counterparts from our head office in Canada. Guess what is the first thing they noticed coming from the airport?
The pollution? Nope.
The scorching heat? Nah ah.
The first thing they observed was the way Filipinos drive. They are simply amazed at how we find “order in chaos”. They likened our highways (notably EDSA) to a main waterway where there are no lanes to follow and you are free to switch lanes from left to right just like boats and that lanes painted on the road are only there just so we know how to measure how wide our highway is since they observed that we normally can fit six cars (with buses and trucks included) in a three-lane road.
Other observations include: - We blink our headlights first to oncoming traffic before crossing an intersection.
- We can honk our car horns as often as we want (beeping your car horn is considered rude in other countries).
- Everyone has the “right of way”.
- Instead of defensive driving, we practice offensive driving.
Pinoys (Slang for Filipino) interpret the stoplight as green = go, yellow = go faster, and red = go at your own risk

Typical Pinoy Jeepney
They are also impressed with the pinoy jeepneys and how the individual arts represent the personality of the owners and drivers. The sky high antennas, the colorful body stickers usually images of saints and/or family members, the sarimanoks at the front of the hood etch. It’s a good thing they didn’t ask me the meaning of one of the signs that we saw hanging at the foot rail of one of the jeepneys when we were crossing Ortigas. It read – “Anak ako ng tatay kong baog!” READ: I am the son of my infertile (sterile?) father. I am not sure if I have translated it correctly. Perhaps you can help me translate it in a more appropriate term?
Labels: stories to ponder |
posted by ruther @ 11:51 PM   |
Lazy Sunday |
I've seen A Love Story. It was really awesome. I haven't seen any tagalog film in a while so this one is really refreshing.
Now I am back to my 'ol good days. I'm just lying in my bed with a Large pack of V-cut and Tortillos partnered with a 1 Liter of Coke. Talk about being a 'couch potato'.
I just finished CSI Miami's Season 5. I was quite satisfied with the twist of events in this season. CSI Wolfe was in the hot seat for the very same reason why CSI LV's Warrick Brown's issue: Gambling. I thought Delko will die (too) after the earth shattering death of Speedle.
I am now watching CSI NY Season 3. I think I have missed some episodes of Season 2 because I see unfamiliar faces just like Mac's love interest- the English Medical Examiner. Of course, I still like the wit of Montana's prime CSI, Lindsay.
I am also done with the first Season of Heroes. I am pretty excited with how Season 2 will play albeit I haven't seen any spoilers in CS.
I am wondering how the ext seasons of Prison Break and LOST will keep its audience share. The plot is getting more complicated yet more boring, IMHO.
I'm not yet done with my Sunday bunny blog hopping. So those blogs that I have not visited yet, don't fret. I'll pay you a visit, if not today, definitely tomorrow. :)Labels: DVD |
posted by ruther @ 3:20 PM   |
Saturday, August 18, 2007 |
I do apologize for not updating this blog for quite sometime. Actually, I got some drafted posts for this week. It's just I couldn't afford to have a coherent post. My thoughts are scattered. My time, attention and energy have been too much pre-occupied with so many things to do and few concerns to resolve. I can't even think of a more suitable title for this post so this is just gonna be treated as 'blank.'
Aside from the stress that I am getting from work, the petty quarrels that I have with Russell make me 'drain.' I will not disclose the issues we are dealing with because those are just 'kababawan.' People close to me know that I'd rather die than keep my issues within myself. I am a very vocal person. But over the time, I guess I have come into the maturity stage where I have realized that some things are better left unsaid, especially if saying the things I mean to say would just hurt the people that are dear to me. Russell and I are doing great now. I am so giddy with the fact that he has already scheduled his flight and he is bound to arrive in Manila, morning of October 15.
It is still raining. Though I feel more relaxed, I feel a little depressed. I am not deviant albeit. A lot of people are experiencing some sort of depression during rainy season. (EDIT: Sunlight produces MELANOCYTES which produces melantonin. Melatonin is anti-depressant daw. That is why a lot of people tend to be happy during summer despite of the scorching heat and people tend to be sad/depressed during rainy season because rain prevents sun from emitting melatonin. This is according to a radio program I listened to on my way to work last Friday.)
Blaming it to the gloomy weather, I'm going to Trinoma, (together with the rest of my family) to watch a movie. Most probably, Mudrax and I gonna watch A Love Story while the rest of the family members will watch a flick that has something to do with Penguin as requested by my loving nephew.
I know I ought to visit blogs that are listed in my blogroll. I will resume my blog hopping session when I get back tonight, pramis po.
Later alligator!
Labels: Relationship, Russell and Thet |
posted by ruther @ 8:31 PM   |
Stressed |
For some of my frequent visitors, it's very evident that I have not been updating this blog for a while--an unusual case for me. The culprit? WORK.I've been a QA supervisor for more than a year now but I have never been this stressed. I used to be feisty and optimistic. I would always see the positive side of an unpleasant situation. I love the people I work with: my boss(es), my QAS and the very professional and awesome client from Washington. Be it on a professional or personal basis, I am learning a lot from these people around me. Until last month. Somebody, I mean a motha-fucka imbecile just got promoted. Somebody who doesn't have the skills and knowledge about how the line of our business plays the tricks of the trade. All she knows is how to kill her idle time by making "tambay" to the office of our Vice President. In fairness to our VP, he is a fair and good man. He just have no time now to talk to his junior management staff since he is also busy doing things for the upcoming business in China and Brazil. Things are a lot worse when our current mgr is in the floor. God, how I wish that J.E got promoted instead. with Nina: One of my good office chummyness, a smoker. LOLI am really on the verge of quitting my job if not only for my people and the master plan of getting a whole-december leave to spend time for my upcoming wedding (and holiday season as well). I feel burnt out. It feels like I am doing the task of the manager, only with lesser salary. I do all-in-one task: contacting the IT, network,payroll,HR and keeping in touch with our client from Washington. Goodness gracious! I now even have my lunch on my workstation. I don't smoke. But last Friday, my virgin lungs finally got a taste of nicotine. Since I am quite popular with the Ops and QA Department, those who are in the " lung center" were quite surprised because " THET is SMOKING!" Yep. That is how stressed I am.  I swear to God. After Russell leaves on March, I'm gonna quit this fcuking job. I'm just gonna consume all the time-off days that are left for me. I have never been a bum ever since so I guess I will try being a bum for a month, at most. I need to rejuvenate my energy. I need to re-live my passion with what I am doing. I need to bring back my OLD SELF. Labels: all in a day's work, people |
posted by ruther @ 8:03 PM   |
Rainy Days and Thursdays |
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 |
Ok. So classes and government agencies are not open today. Unfortunately for lowly-life call center professionals like me, we got no other choice but to come to work.
I could have opted to go on sick leave but I'd rather not use it. I'm saving it for days when I will get "tamad" when Russell is finally here.
If you will ask me whether I like rainy days rather than summer, I would give u a loud YES! I don't know what's with the rain but it makes me feel more relaxed. I am not really a beach bum and I don't like beating the scorching heat.
I mentioned in some of my previous posts that unlike other call centers, we are strict when it comes to coming to work in business casual. Fortunately, we were allowed to go on dress down for the entire month of August. But yesterday, I went beyond what is expected from us. I went "too dress down". Talk about being PASAWAY.
It comes in pair: Bermuda Shorts and Havaianas!
Working while at home? LOL
Since it's raining so hard, we all couldn't get out of the building. McDonald' s is just beside our building but some of my team members dialed their hotline and had a food delivery. I, on the other hand (with a couple of QAS), opted to have Jollibee. I had the creamy macaroni soup and spicy chicken. What a very relaxing weather! I feel guilty for liking this kind of weather considering that there are lots of people out there who are suffering from mud and landslide. Sorry naman po... Oh well, that's all for now folks!Labels: all in a day's work, office |
posted by ruther @ 7:51 PM   |
PLAY it BACK, please?! |
Sunday, August 12, 2007 |
I have been preparing for this wedding for a year and a half now. Name the host of the bridal and I am there --- from Megamall, to NBC Tent, to PICC, to Rockwell. I guess I'll never get tired attending these bridal fairs because I am really into finding the best suppliers out of our limited budget. We could have opted for a grander wedding but we're gonna be needing our parents' financial help and that is something Russell and I would not want to happen. I mean no harm to those who asked their parents' help with financing their wedding. It's just that we want to prove our parents (and we want to make them proud) that we are already responsible adults. (LOL as if!!!)
For those who are planning to have their church wedding, it's really ideal to book your suppliers are early as possible as this could entitle you big discounts. You can also protect yourselves from those (yearly) price increase. Yes, most wedding suppliers do have their price increase yearly. Sounds crazy eh, but it's true. Anyway, going back to the topic of having limited budget, I booked our videographer (and photographer) two months after I reserved Malate Church (May 2006). They called their company as PLAYBACK PRODCUTIONS. Playback is a joint venture of Chester and Bim (who are both from DLSU). They're former call center agents (People Support ba o CVG?) who got tired of what they are doing---they decided to put up a business of their own. During that time, Playback was just starting and I don't think I have heard of their name in my yahoo support group for soon-to-be-wed(s) where I am an active member. But the thing was, they offered me a very tempting package that I couldn't resist. A package that no other photo/video supplier could give me. Unlike other teams whose specialty could either be just photo or video, I wasn't worried at all since Chester and Bim are into video and Kix Tavora is going to be the one who will capture still photos on my wedding. I know that they are the experts in their own respective fields.
It's been a year and three months now since booked them and I can say that they have done quite a number of weddings since the time I signed our contract. I introduced them to the w@w community and I am really grateful that they are sticking to what they have promised me--- that is giving the best customer service and output they could ever produce. They treat each of their clients special in its own ways. When brides give their supplier ratings/feedback, they all have nothing but high praises for Playback. As some of the brides tend to be bridezillas at some point, communication is really important to us. A text/email with no reply from the supplier would make us paranoid. Fortunately, Chester and Bim have always been prompt in answering my queries. They also got no qualms about payment. I am not sure if it's just for me, but I would just make installment payments whenever I get the moolah. Before, I even had to ask them to meet me in CBTL Gateway at 7:30 in the morning just to give a partial payment. They are also ALWAYS ON TIME. In fact, during those meetings, I am the onw who is always LATE. I don't think I can ask them to do that since they are REALLY REALLY busy nowadays and I don't want to be a bridezilla since my wedding is still 4 months away. Alam ko naman, di naman nila ako pababayaan eh. They have also been really flexible with my requests. They included some freebies which are not really part of the package they have offered me. I am really grateful that I have found Playback. Current rate of videographers (Manila rate-average) are as follows:
2 cam-set up (3 ccd camera) - P40,000 On-site Video- P15,000 Prenup Video/AVP - P20,000
That's a total of P65,000. And that is already the price of photo and video package that I got from them. They even gave me a life feed broadcast. Unfortunately, they no longer the same package as they have offered me. Iba na talaga pag dumadami ang clients. Here is their 1-minute teaser.
Here are the latest video services fee that they offer:
PHP 15,000 1 3ccd camera set-up 3 dvd copies of edited video (25-40) 1 dvd copy of raw video
Onsite - P10,000 extra camera - P5000 avp - P15,000
They also do debuts and baptismals. If you want to get in touch with them, you may reach them thru:
Email: playbackprod@gmail.com Mobile: 0922-8339942/7251013 (Bim) 0917-9289099/5631289 (Chester) Ciao!
Labels: wedding, wedding suppliers |
posted by ruther @ 6:06 AM   |
Beautiful Sunday |
I woke up early today. I guess for a nocturnal specie, waking up at 7am is early enough to call it EARLY (LOL). I usually don't eat breakfast but today, I had 3 pan de sal and a sumptuous dairy cream lite topped with brown sugar (toasted for a minute.) After an hour, I started doing blog hopping but thanks to the intermittent DSL problem that we have, I keep on getting disconnected. HmMMfFfff! Anyway, after doing some magic in the DSL modem, my connection has gone pretty fast. Come 10am, my eyes got pretty tried so I resorted to cable TV. There isn't any good show in Crime Suspense so I just scanned the rest of the channels.
Then I saw Daimos. I grew up watching Erika and Richard's love story. Halos magkasabay ko itong pinapanood dati ng Voltes V. But I didn't know how the story started. Today, I got the chance why the Barhmins are so angry with Earth-lings.
After the destruction of their homeworld (Barhmins), the survivors of the planet Bahm headed towards Earth with the goal of negotiating the purchase of land to emigrate to. They have been traveling some million light years in the universe because they can't seem to find a planet that will suffice their needs. Unfortunately, during the negotiations, the Barmian's leader, Leon, is assassinated by his second in command, Olban (Eto yung may sungay sa noo), and the delegation from Earth is framed for the murder (etong episode na ito eh napanood ko sa last part ng series). The cup of cofee/tea that Emperor Leon drank was poisoned by Olban. In the ensuing chaos, Doctor Isamu Ryūzaki (tatay ni Richard) of the Earth delegation was shot and killed.
Ayos! Meron na naman akong susundan after Hana Yori Dango. While watching Daimos, I was bothered by the loud sound of TV from our garage. Popcy was watching the World Boxing Cup pala. At that time, Popcy told me that the score card is already 4-0 in favor of Philippines. Bout between Peñolasa and a certain Mexican was being aired at that moment (Sayang lang at di nanalo si Boom-Boom). After 10 years, Gerry finally regained his world boxing champion title. After Gerry's proclamation as the new champion, this is the time I have thought of going to Novaliches Proper to buy the latest (complete) season of CSI Vegas and CSI Miami. So there, I went to Nova proper but I ended up buying CSI Miami and Bones Season 2 instead.
I'm on the last 4 episodes of CSI (I got the latest one before but it only has 14 episodes) when Mudrax told me that the BUZZ is going to feature the Ruffa-Ylmaz interview and the controversial Angel Locsin. Di na ko interesado sa Ruffa-Ylmaz issue kasi sobrang chipangga na ng issue. What I really intend to watch is Angel Locsin's interview. I admire this girl. She is very humble and she seems to be a very nice person.
Oh well, that is all I have for now. It's already 7pm and I am really craving for Calamares that Mudrax is cooking now. :)
Labels: days of my life, DVDs |
posted by ruther @ 5:50 AM   |
With Utmost Gratitude |
Friday, August 10, 2007 |
I would just like to drop a note (through this blog) who took the time answering my query and showing support on my intention of getting my own domain. My uber-dashing-debonair-sexy-pogi baby, Russell will help me build my own site. Dapat lang, yun na lang ang silbi nya sa akin noh... LOL
FYI, in a month or maybe in just a few days, I might have to ask you to link another site. I am intending to keep this blog though as my work/office blog. All personal and other whats-not churva-chenelyn things will be posted on my other site.
Ciao!Labels: gratitude |
posted by ruther @ 11:51 PM   |
Koreanovela, again?!? |
I have mentioned for a lot of times that I am such a DVD pathetic sucker. It's week end now and I got nothing else to do but be into sleep, eat---eat, sleep mode. I really find this week end really boring. I have watched quite a number of DVD series and I have finished them all. I got no other DVDs to watch anymore. Although there is still a pile of Desperate Housewives and SmallVille DVDs to watch, I am afraid that such kind of story plot is not just my type. I don't know but the storyline of these series wouldn't "arouse" me at all. In a week, Russell will be moving to Tita Em's house. He is starting to move his things little by little. He is set to come home mid-October and he decided to move out of his apartment. Sayang din naman kasi yung 2 months na rent. Moving out from his apartment means he's gonna lose his DSL connection. That also means that we're gonna have limited time to chat online. hayYyyYy... there are moments where I would just wake up in the middle of the night and I would ask him to go online. I'm gonna miss those moments.
With the very boring life that awaits me, I started counting and reviewing the number of DVDs that I have collected. Boy, I could set up a DVD rental business! LOL Just when I was about to finish fixing the DVD categories, I came across a koreanovela- one that really broke me into tears. It's a love story. I know, I am a very sentimental person but watching love stories, be it movie or TV program is not my cup of tea. I have watched this series through GMA-7 even before I met Russell. At that time, I was still nursing my broken heart from my first boyfriend. It made me realize that no matter what we do, FATE will prevail. If it's not meant for you, you should accept that it's not for you. Stop asking yourself with so many "HOW" and "WHY". You just have to accept the reality no matter how hard and unfair it seems.
Endless Love 2: Winter Sonata is special for me. It's different from any other koreanovelas that I have watched (where you could easily predict how the story will end.) Maybe because it speaks about different shades of LOVE: your first love, true love, possessive love and lost love. I can also relate with how the characters would react on "losing your love"--- getting drunk, being suicidal and having no good disposition in life.
Aside from the fact that it showcases breathtaking winter scenery (which I really prefer over summer), it's the melancholic music that I like. Hear the background music? It's an OST from Winter Sonata. Though I don't understand the lyrics, it somehow communicates with me. As they say, music is the universal language of the heart.
When I was in Japan, I know that this was also a big hit there. I even saw some commercials of the lead actor in TV advertisements. I was able to follow this series in the local TV channel but I missed some parts that's why I bought a DVD copy. Ngayon ko na lang naalala na may copy pala ako nito at di ko pa sya napapanood ng buo. I would have wanted to watch this together with Russell but obviously, he is not here. For the time being, no more CSIs, BONES or NCIS for me. I'll go back to my corny mode. Korni man, totoo naman.
Labels: DVD, Relationships |
posted by ruther @ 10:27 PM   |
Ruther-Hernandez.com?! |
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 |
I'm thinking of getting my own domain name: Ruther-Hernandez.com. That's RUssell and THEResa-Hernandez.com. I know it sounds a 'lil corny but I don't give a fart. It's what I want and I am going to be the one who will pay for that.
I barely know HTML. Much worse, I am a CSS dumb. As much as I want to study and get myself more familiar with CSS, I can't! I don't have the time (yet). I don't have the time to pluck my eye browse. Can't even go to the salon to have my hair done.. LOL
Now my problem is, where could I buy cheap domain? How would I go about customizing the design?
I'm getting tired of this blogspot account. I want something new. I want a site that I could say, "hey, that is MINE!". Something that will really reflect my personality. Something that represents who I am; some sense of identity.
If I am going to buy my own domain, would anyone of you help me build and design my own site? HhHhhhhhmmmM.... any volunteer(s)?
Labels: blogging |
posted by ruther @ 7:02 PM   |
Rainy Days Make Me Feel Lazy |
Tuesday, August 07, 2007 |
Dang! While some of you are enjoying your "normal life," call center people don't have any other choice but to go to work even with the stormy kind of weather that we are experiencing now. For me, I call it "ang buhay na walang buhay." LOLI guess that is what we have to pay for earning moolah way beyond what a daytime worker could earn. But sometimes, nakakatamad pumasok sa totoo lang. Minsan, parang ayaw ng ma-detach ng katawan ko sa kama. Errrr! Good thing though that our VP that August is going to be a 'dress down' month for us. Unlike other call centers , our company is firm that we should always wear business casual. So no flip flops, jeans, tank top and bermuda shorts from Monday to Thursday. Friday is the only day we could go dress down. Otherwise, there will be coaching tickets issued for violators. LOL Although this thing sets us apart from other call centers, I just think that dressing up during rainy season is a real hassle.
It's Wednesday already! Time really flies so fast (though I don't enjoy working with an IDIOT manager!)
Dang, I was late for work today! Right after I stepped out of the FX, rain poured heavily. I didn't bring an umbrella with me. I really don't like(in fact, I HATE) bringing one. So there, I was "idle" in Shell for 10 minutes! Darn it! I am working on a free shcedule but I just hate reproting for work LATE. I am very much different that the OTHERS (LOL as if she's reading this!) I am a very responsible supervisor. A supervisor's job is to supervise, give floor support.
Stormy Ortigas at 2am 
Anyway, 10 mins after I arrived I felt a 'lil hungry. I was craving for arroz caldo. Sad thing though that none of my team members wanted to order from KFC. Eh bet ko pa naman ang arroz caldo sa KFC. Well if you know me, if I am craving for some thing, nothing and nobody can stop me. Not even heavy rains. So there, I braced the heavy rains just to go to Emerald St. to have KFC's arroz caldo. Delicious!
Hot Arroz Caldo, want some? Tuesday was a pretty quick day for me. Maybe because I got too busy doing payroll (darn it!) and some other things that really got me excited because somebody who is posing to be SMART was caught on the spot. LOL
Instead of taking a bus, which is the usual thing that my QASs and I would do, we took a cab this time. On the way, we just got hungry. We tried looking for drive-thru fast food chains but NADA. Closed. When we dropped off Iris along North Ave., I remembered that there is a drive-thru Jollibee along Kamuning. So there we go..But it took us 20 minutes before we got our order. Not ony that it's getting "late" but hello, the meter is running!
Heavy Rains still Pouring 
I am not sure if I'll be able to come tonight. I feel lazy. I just like sleeping..if only Russell was here, cuddling is going tobe such a nice thing to do.
P.S. I am uncertain whether I should be happy with the rainy season. Of course, I like the cool weather that tropical depression brings but there's a retribution in the form of El Niño sa Region 1 pero kawawa din ung mga landslide victims.. :( Labels: food trip, weather, work |
posted by ruther @ 7:15 PM   |
Beth goes Down Under |
Beth has already tendered her resignation as our account coordinator. Her brother Mario, will assume her position but as of the meantime, Cliff (former QAS) will take over our campaign. Beth is so lucky as she gets the chance to work in Australia. From our last conversation, it was her Aunt who convinced her to try applying for a job there. It took her a while before she was asked to go on interview in the Australian Embassy but it was all worth it. She now has a visa. It's not clear to me how her visa is going to be valid but according to her, she can apply for a permanent visa (or residency) after 3 straight years of working. It was quite stiff but then, she grabbed the opportunity. She's gonna be assigned to New South Wales. It's gonna be a clerical (?) work, but I from what I understand, it's gonna be something to do with the degree that she finished (she's an economics graduate from AdMU). She is not sure though when she can visit her cousins as her aunt is based in Perth. She would probably go there when she has the money. Though she's gonna be staying with her Aunt's house when she go there, she would want to visit Swanbourne Beach (Did I spell it correctly?). It's actually a famous nudist beach in Australia. She has tried looking online for cheap hotels. Being the internet-researcher freak that I am, I told her to look on some websites. I forwarded some of the websites I have already browsed and see if she can find rates for Perth Hotels. It was a relief for her when she finally found some reasonable hotel rates through RatesToGo.
 It was a huge relief for her when she came across this website as this will not only help her book cheap hotels in Perth but anywhere in Australia.
Oh well, our people will certainly miss you Beth. But we are happy for you. May the force be with you! LOL Bon Voyage!Labels: benjamin talks, hotels, work |
posted by ruther @ 6:43 PM   |
So near yet so far.... |
Sunday, August 05, 2007 |
Two months na lang..I mean two months pa! Leche, ano bang nangyayari sa 'ken ngayon? Nakatagal na ko ng 16 na buwan pero inip na inip na ko sa dalawang buwan. Gusto kong umiyak pero mukha naman akong gago pag ginawa ko yun. Gusto kung gumimik pero alam ko mabo-bored lang ako bigla. Kapag nasa kwarto naman ako, ang lungkot-lungkot. Kapag naman tinapa ang munti kong acoustic na gitara, ikaw naman ang naalalako. Nami-miss na kita. Pero kapag kausap naman kita sa telepono o kausap sa YM, iritable naman ako. Kapag andito ka, hindi tayo nag-aaway. Pero kapag malayo ka na, hindi lalagpas ang isang linggo na hindi kita 'inaaway'. Ano ba ito?!!!??? ANAK NAMAN NG TINAPA! Pati ako, nahihirapan ispelengin ang sarili ko, pakshet! Alam ko mahirap intidihin ang babae, pero babae naman ako. bakit kaya hindi ko rin maintindihan ang sarili ko? Nababaliw na nga yata ako. I wanna ride a roller coaster and scream out loud!!!!! OO, alam ko ang labo ko. May saltik na nga yata ako. Pero alam ko din, mahal mo naman ako kahit ganito ako ka-abnormal di ba? Wag mo na i-decipher kung ano nasa utak ko. Magkaiba naman kasi wavelength pag-iisip natin. Basta pabayaan mo na lang muna kung nag-iinarte na naman ako ngayon. Lilipas din 'to.
   Naalala mo pa ito? 2 years ago, sabi ko sa 'yo nun masakit ang ulo ko kaya kantahan mo ko. Nung kumunta ka naman, nainis na mejo natawa ako kasi SINTUNADO ka. Ngayon naman, hinahanap-hanap ko ang ang pagkanta mo. Sabi mo ka-boses mo si Rico Blanco. Ang sabi ko naman, hindi mo sya ka-boses kung di kamukha mo sya kasi pareho kayong ma-pimple (NOON yon...) Miski wala sa tono, mapagti-tyagaan ko. Basta sana andito ka, nakikita ko kung pano ka kumakanta at dalawa tayong tumutugtog ng gitara.... Malayo pa ba ang October? Wag mo kong pagtawanan. Di naman ako nakabatak. Di rin ako adik. Alam ko naman ang sagot sa tanong ko. Naiinip na lang talaga ako. Isang milyong tupa na ang nabibilang ko. Pati directory ng Bayantel, nabasa ko na ng buo. Wala na lang talagang magawa. Pede kayang bumili ng oras? Labels: Relationships, Russell and Thet |
posted by ruther @ 10:08 AM   |
I want a DSLR! |
I know a few bloggers who are really fond of photography. Just like them, Russell and I consider ourselves as camera maniacs. Having said that, we are thinking of buying a DSLR. Really, I am a photography-challenged gal and when it comes to capturing moments, I'll just leave it to Russell. He's a very good photographer. In fact, I saw some of his film shots---really awesome huh! Those are from his college class. (He is a ComArts graduate) But what comes to our mind when we speak of the word "digital" is, it's going to be expensive. Initially, I wanted to have a Nikon D80. But after a lot of considerations were made, I am finally convinced that a canon Rebel XTi will work for us. After all, we are not really professional photographers. We are just photo enthusiasts. Besides, the specs of this camera is not that bad at all. It's up to the owner how he can use this DSLR in its optimum level. Rebel XTi is undoubtedly cheaper than Nikon D80 but for somebody who is earning Peso, $750 is still P35,000. This doesn't include other kits yet. We could have afford to buy this one right away if only we don't have the wedding expenses to think about. Wedding is our priority right now. It's either we get coupon codes to get discounts or we'll wait next year until the price goes down. For quite sometime, I'm searching ebay in the hope of finding the best deal that I could have for the XTi. Then I came across Deal Locker. It's a website that provides its customer with coupon codes for their online shopping. Knowing that electronics products are relatively cheaper in the states than here, I got really interested with their electronics coupons. Dell, Dish, Best Buy and Tech Depot are just few names that you can find in this website under the electronics section. Working for Dell for more than a year, I know how their coupon codes work. In fact, I used to give as much as $100 coupon codes every time I get a Filipino customer. LOL I tried looking how many Dell coupon codes and how much money would I be able to save from Deal Locker.

What I got was a huge $150 off for Canon Rebel XTi! Sweet deal isn't it? Russell might get interested with this. Oh well, I'm just gonna surf for more discount. I'm now eyeing for their Victoria's Secrets coupon codes. Naughty naughty!!!
Labels: benjamin talks, electronics, photography |
posted by ruther @ 7:45 AM   |
Thank God it's Saturday!!! |
Friday, August 03, 2007 |
Gosh! Time really flies so fast. I didn't actually realize that weekend is already here. HmmMmmm, that's what you call- BUSY!
Sa dami ng iniintindi ko ngaun: Russell, wedding, office, team members, client service- I lost track of the days. In fernez, di naman ako shadong na-agit dis week (aside from the Wednesday incident that I had).
But Thank God, I had a very nice Friday. How did my Friday go?
It started with a rant but ended up with a kiss-and-make-up. Ganun naman talaga sa subordinate-supervisor relationship. Ang importante, napag uusapan ang problema at hindi iniiwasan. Avhen and I had our "lunch" sa KAINAN NI JOSEPH STRATA. LOL pramis. yun talaga name ng establishment. It is located at the ground level of Strata 2000 (if you are familiar with Ortigas Centre). Ok naman ang tinitindi yon, edible naman. Sa lahat kasi ng ayoko eh ung beef viand na kala mo eh GOODYEAR sa kunat! Chingkie! Avhen a.k.a Raul had Bulalo. I really wanted to have pork sisig kaso Muslim ang vheykla kaya wichels pede kay ateng ang pork. Ibang "karne" lang daw ang pede sa kanya. har har har!!! Tantado talaga ito!
 Our shift ends at 4am (forever 8pm-4am na ako with Sat-Sun off). I still lots of things to finish so we were able to go out of the office at around 4:30. Naku huh, tama na ung 30 mins. Before nga "ONDA" as in "on the dot" of 4:00am ako kung umalis ng office kaya patagal ng patagal, padami ng padami ang paperworks na kelangan tapusin! (At hindi pwede ang ganito pag andito na si Russell--- manigas sila! Che!!!).
After I finished all the things I need to accomplish, gora na kami sa stairs/lobby ng bulok na Ortigas Building (LOL). Chika muna kami mga 30 mins. Saka kami gumo-go sa week-end market.
Emerald Ave., Ortigas Banquitto
Eto ang typical na eksena sa week end market. As usual, mas mabenta pa rin ang mga foodang kesa sa mga anik-anik na buting-things. Chempre, ang mga miron sa "palengke" eh ang mga taga call-center. Siguro kung 50 stalls meron sa banquitto, mga 40 ang food stalls. Yun kasi ang mas mabenta sa mga "call girl at call boy." Stress reliever ang pagkain ng mga bet na na foodasche lalo na at kapag galing ka sa irate caller. Kaya madalas, lolobo ka talaga pag nagwork ka sa call center environment. Ako naman, since mejo natatae ako galing sa lunch namin ni Avhen, I just had Fruitas' green mango (ewwWwww!!! kumusta naman..gus2 talagang mag strut dance sa MRT noh!). Kaya lang mejo inggetera ako dun sa isang baklang mukhang tomboy (gulo ko ba?) na merong plastic cup at merong calamares. Hala at inikot ko talaga ang buong banquitto mahanap lang ang lintek na stall ng calamares. To my disappointed, mejo mahalia mendez pala ang leche. 5 pcs for P20?!! Hellar! P3 lang kaya ang isa nun. Pero sige na nga, nagbabayad naman kasi sila ng pwesto kaya mejo mataas ang mark up price. Speaking of mark up price, ang baklitang si Mark eh nagfiesta sa takoyaki. In fernez, masarap naman sya though di kasing sarap ng orig na takoyaki.
Heto ang takoyaki. If you're watching Gokusen, you ought to know this. This is Yankumi's yakuza business kaya!
Pagtapos ng walang humpay na paglilibot, we ended up in a table with our hands full of food. Nakakapagd rumonda huh! Habang lumalaps eh feeling ko, commercial kami ng Piattos. Mapanggawa kasi kami ng kwento sa mga taong nakikita namin. Basta laugh trip. Isa sa pinaka favorite namain gawin eh manghula kung sino ang TOP and BOTTOM kapag may dalwang pamintang asteeg. Bahala ka na mag isip kung ano ibig sabihin nun. Basta secret, walang clue. Ganun talaga kapag kasama ang mga DREAM GAYS. Introduce ko na ang mga pokpok (mwahugs badings!) na vheyk-vheyk:
 Yellow: Markling aka. Mark White: Gay-Gay aka. Jay-Jay Black: Gayvhen aka Raul
Kulang ng isang faggot ay mali, isang Dream Gay pala. Maaga umuwi si Ashti Gaydrian. May booking yata. HayYy naku, basta nota talaga!!! LOL Meron din kaming cast ng Encantadia. Anjan si Amihan (Marianne), Alena (Lyza), Danaya (Iris) at si Pirena (Sheryl). Wala lang silang picture dahil ayaw nilang mai-blog ko sila. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! che! kala mo naman kagandahan, nag-iinarte pa! Anyways, if you're gonna ask me kung ano naman ang papel ko--eh ano pa eh di ako ang INANG REYNA ng Encantadia! wahHhHHhH!!!! Tignan ko lang kung may papalag eh lahat sila QAS ko. kapag may gus2ng umagaw ng trono ko eh lagot ang regularization at salary appraisal nila...LOL power tripper naman!
Anyhoo, we "packed up" (ano, shooting?!) around 9am. Juice ko day! kumusta naman ang chikahan di ba?! I received a text from a friend since the time of T-REX asking me if I wanna go out tonight because Steve Aoki is going to be in Embassy. "Steve who?" I replied. "Wala ka, di ka na updated ngaun. hahahahaha! ano nga Embassy tonight?" "Hay naku 'neng pass na ko sa ganyan. Hihintayin ko na lang muna si Russell bago rumampa. Happy booking!" Getting a text like that asking me for a night out reminded me that it's been a gazillion years na since the last time I went out with friends. I don't know what is with me but I no longer enjoy going out in such loud places without Russell. Kaya Russell, lagot ka pag uwi mo. Marami as in marami ka ng utang sa akin. Mula sa movie, sa pigging out and kung anik-anik na R&R.
Mejo mahaba na ang post na ito. Siguro it's time for me na bumorlog na ng bongga ng makadami naman mamaya sa YM with Russell. LMAO
Have a nice week end everyone!
Labels: food trip, QAS, Week Review |
posted by ruther @ 10:00 PM   |
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About Me |
Name: ruther
Home: Ontario, Canada
About Me: *25-something faggot
*proud pinay
*business degree imbecile
*iskolar ng bayan
*former student activist
*call center quality assurance supervisor* former DELL computer technician*
*prefers grave yard shift rather than day shift job
*doesn't drink nor smoke
*koreanovela sucker
*lead guitarist
*bossa nova aficionado
*KFC extreme hot shots lover
*imago's fan
*sydney bristow apprentice(wish!)
*gil grissom struggling student(talk about being geek!)
*jack bauer's love interest(another wish!)
*michael scofield's savior(get real!)*
avid follower of jerry bruckheimer
*soon-to-be-bride of a very wonderful groom.
See my complete profile
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